Gaining Insight from Crash Reports and Bug Reports

This project seeks to address the flood of bugreports and crashreports that software companies must address when they build consumerfacing software. Organizations can easily face 50,000 crash reports per day. Developers cannot manually sift through them all. The goal of this work is to exploit modern search engine technology and crash report representation to enable […]

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Design of a gene network implementing an associative memory circuit

The main goal of this research project is to implement an associative memory module in a gene network. The idea is to use the theoretical work already done at the Signals and Systems Laboratory (L2S) and to apply it in the area of genetics. The proposed approach is innovative, as it combines techniques from two […]

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The social, political and material constitution of low-carbonenergy transitions in urban areas: a socio-technical and socio-spatial comparisonof Alberta (Canada) and Ile-de-France (France)

Cities emit approximately 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. It is therefore important to study how urban energy infrastructures can be transformed to lower carbon emissions. But this transformation is not simple for two reasons: (1) it involved variousactors with conflicting interests and visions on what the energy transition should be, […]

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Lab-on-a-chip device for blood filtration and separation

Blood is composed primarily of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.) and plasma (the fluid in which the cells are suspended). Health care providers commonly require the components of blood to be separated before performing tests; currently, this requires blood samples be taken to a medical laboratory for processing. Recent advances in […]

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Aerobic Granulation for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewater

Increasing pressure on India’s limited water resources due to population growth demands innovative and cost-effective methods of water management. One avenue of significant research is the treatment and recycling of municipal wastewater, where only about 31% of the domestic wastewater generated is treated using conventional methods. Aerobic granulation (AG) is a novel biotechnological wastewater treatment […]

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Design and Implementation of Bio-Inspired Student Clustering Approach Based on Students’ Annotations on Web-based Reading Materials

When students read a book, they usually annotate important words in the text. Students may perhaps miss some important information while reading the book. If students are reminded about the potentially important annotations, they may achieve better academic performance later, in terms of having better marks for written exams, quizzes, and other learning activities. With […]

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Faculty Attitudes towards the Internationalized Classroom in Chinese Universities

An “internationalized classroom” is a space wherein many of the tensions, possibilities and change factors inherent in the internationalization process are expressed in relationships between and among host students, international students, and instructors. The proposed research is part of a Canada/China comparative study on faculty attitudes towards the internationalized classroom. During Li Mao’s research trip in […]

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Learning Algorithm for Quantum Error Correction

Using quantum mechanics to improve information technology has been an interdisciplinary exercise. The challenge in implementing quantum information technology arises primarily from the fragile nature of quantum systems under various noises. We focus on the problem of correcting such errors that occur in the superconducting quantum circuits, which is a promising candidate for realizing a […]

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High efficiency CO2 electrochemical reduction to syngas and hydro-carbon fuels at elevated temperature

The present dependence of human society on fossil fuels indicates the inevitable increase of energy de-mands and emissions of greenhouse gases, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2). These problems need to be resolved with sustainable energy solutions, including the idea of capturing CO2 to synthesize renewa-ble or sustainable hydrocarbon, and carbonaceous fuels. Our proposed research project […]

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Broadband Internet Policy and Farmers’ Collective Agency in Vietnam

Vietnam approved the national rural information and communication plan in 2011 that includes the building of a 420 million CAD broadband network infrastructure intended to link all smallest administrative units by 2015. However, the country has not achieved this goal yet. Vietnam has experienced countless failures in rolling out Information Communication Technology systems mainly because […]

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Educational Reward Plug-In for Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) Platform

Reward is a common way to increase students’ learning motivation in traditional classroom learning. The traditional rewards, such as stamps and stickers, are usually symbolic and valueless to students and may not get students motivated. This project proposes an educational reward plug-in for massively open online course (MOOC) platform like Moodle and edX where students […]

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Mechanism Studies on Soil Erosion around Defective Sewer Pipes

Sinkhole and ground surface collapse frequently occur in urban areas such as highway, roads or around buildings. Usually the failure process in rather sudden without much evidence or obvious signs. This catches people by surprise and results in accidents, injuries or even death in some cases. From current studies and case analysis, most of the […]

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