Deep learning for natural language text and image analysis

This research project focuses on natural language text and image analysis based on statistical and deep learning techniques, for recognizing semantics or meaningful relations from unstructured big data, for better understanding of the data and serving the users. This project aims to develop a mixed natural language text and image analysis system for an online […]

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Direct georeferencing of unmanned aerial vehicle photography and radar imagery with a low-cost real-time kinematic GPS.

The conventional (indirect) georeferencing of remote sensing imagery requires the use of control points that link known positions in the imagery to known positions in map coordinates. The number of control points depends on the amount of distortion in the imagery, method of transformation and desired level of accuracy, but it is often large. Overall, […]

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Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for high-resolution environmental remote sensing: a soil moisture case study.

Successful research in environmental remote sensing relies on multiple-view approaches to data collection. In multi-stage remote sensing, data are collected at different geographic scales. Low-altitude, high-resolution aerial observations bridge the gap between in situ and satellite-based observations. These can be achieved by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with minimum logistical support and lower operation/maintenance costs than […]

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Low Temperature Catalytic NOx Control under High Sulfur Environment

NOx is a well known hazardous gas which can not only form acid rain and destroy ozone, but also cause respiratory diseases of human body. There are multiple methods developed currently to remove NOx. Among them, selective Catalytic Reduction, SCR, represents the most widely used and efficient post-combustion technique for mitigation of NOx emissions from […]

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Lymphatic function in cancer metastasis

The goal of this study is to address the role of tumor draining lymphatic function and cancer immunity during lymphatic metastasis and ionizing radiation (IR) therapy. Metastatic cancer cells invade lymphatic vessels, traffic through collecting lymphatic vessel and enter lymph node (LN) to form metastasis. The presence of cancer cells in the tumor draining LN […]

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Purple Martin Conservation in Central Alberta

Purple Martins, the largest species of swallow in North America, are mostly dependent on humans for nesting structures. Martin populations have been declining across the continent for the past 20 years. I am investigating ways to engage the public in martin conservation, through appropriate nest box provision and management, support for caretakers of these nest […]

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Bioremediation with fungal mycelia

This project aims at the removal of contaminants from water through bioremediation with fungal cultures. Specifically, the feasibility of a range of wood substrates will be tested. The project will use bioassays (Microtox) for testing degrees of contamination before and after treatment. Phase 1: In the first phase of the project a bioassay will be […]

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Perception and Action interactions (New)

The influence of experience on visually- and haptically-guided grasping. Because the visuomotor system must update information, moment to moment, as the body and the visual world moves, it has been considered to operate ?online,? and its computations are performed without conscious awareness. Some studies however, have shown that reach-to-grasp movements are susceptible to the influence […]

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Physical and Virtual Simulation and Learning Management System

By studying and modeling of current production process, a physical training assembly system is built in a small scale with the exact same process, tooling as the full scale one. Along with leaning management system constructed, which includes a set of multi-media training materials, new employees can get familiarized with the manufacturing process in a […]

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Effect of Fluid, Rock, and Simulator Variables on Liquid Solvent Heavy Oil Extraction

Heavy oil and bitumen in-situ extraction aided by solvent addition is a potential EOR technology that provides an alternative to the current thermal processes. However, its mechanism is not well understood yet. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of solvent based processes by history matching experimental data using a reservoir simulator […]

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Transient Production Decline Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs with Realistic Heterogeneity and Fracture Morphology

The proposed research is a multi-disciplinary project, which aims at improving existing theories and developing innovative technologies to unlock Canada’s oil and gas resources in a more sustainable way. Theoretical models derived from physics and mathematics are to be examined with real data, and new approaches will be developed to face the technical challenges. Mentorship […]

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Secure Outsourcing of Storage and Computation

The rise of cloud technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices have revolutionized data storage and their processing. Amongst numerous benefits, cloud technologies offer a flexible way to outsource storage and computation to the cloud vendors. As a result, sensitive data often end up being managed on remote servers maintained by third party outsourcing vendors. […]

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