Development and Characterization of All-in-OneEthanol Based Diesel Fuel Additive

The main objective of this research project is to obtain an additive helps to increase the cetane number as well as reducing fuel consumption in diesel engines. In the proposed study, we will perform the characterization of available petroleum diesel and analyze their properties. The ethanol based additive later will be added in several different […]

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Direct Contact Steam Generator Flue Gas Subsurface Modeling and Application

Direct Contact Steam Generators (DCSGs) for use in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage generate flue gas containing steam and C02 which can be injected into reservoirs to aid bitumen recovery with part of the C02 remaining underground. The objectives of this project are to understand mechanisms of C02-stearn bitumen rate enhancement and determine the amount of […]

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Emulsion Injection for Enhancing the Fast-and-Uniform SAGD Start-up Process

Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage is the most commonly used in-situ thermal method for recovering bitumen from oil sands formations in western Canada. In this process, two parallel horizontal wells, about 5 m apart vertically, are drilled near the bottom of the formation. Before production, the bitumen between the two wells has to be heated, to become […]

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Numerical simulations of global atmospheric composition for the purpose of improving air quality modelling

Where observations of air pollution are unavailable, e.g. from emissions of future facilities or in remote areas, air pollution is simulated with computer models. These models require input of emissions from nearby sources but also of background concentrations that are caused by sources outside of the modelling domain, because the domain is limited by computational […]

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Adaptive FOREX Geocoding System for Currency Market Monitoring

Foreign exchange market, also known as Forex is a currency trading market spread all around the globe. There are multiple factors that effect the exchange rates in currency market. Considering these factors in development of a trading algorithm will result in more accurate trading decisions. The proposed research that will be covered by the activities […]

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Reduced-Complexity Radio Resource Management Algorithms for Heterogeneous MIMO Cellular Networks

Future broadband cellular systems will require very high throughput data transmission to satisfy ever increasing demands of mobile users for high speed multimedia services. Using innovative approaches to multiantenna transmission/reception and to cooperation of network nodes the achievable data rates can be greatly increased. Two significant obstacles to achieving very high data rates are interference […]

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Speaker Identification in a Collaborative Environment

At present, there is an increasing demand from industries for new generation of interactive technologies to support productivity and minimize time wasted for meeting room set up. In response to this demand, SMART technologies is investing into development of new UC&C technologies. The goal of this research will be the development of a software for […]

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Quality Assurance of Biosand Filters: Production and Distribution

The Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) is a non-profit organization promoting appropriate technologies in water and sanitation for the developing world. An example is the biosand filter, currently manufactured by hundreds of organizations in 55 countries, and used by 650,000+ families. Ensuring filter quality will accelerate its dissemination worldwide. In this project, […]

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Elk River Flood Solutions Strategy

Flooding causes significant impacts to economic activities, disrupts and displaces populations and creates substantial risk to human safety. Recovery efforts from major flood events can be lengthy and have huge economic impacts both in loss of revenue and cost of repair and restoration. Changes in physical characteristics, economic practices and/or human actions can impact the […]

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Quest Design for Web-based Multiplayer Online Game

In the past, we have developed a chessboard like Web-based Multiplayer Game ( for learning. The game allows teachers to create their own game world maps, NPCs, quests and items. The students can pickup quests from NPCs in vary places. This research project focuses on the design of RPG quests for the chosen disciplines and […]

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Can educational systems help in motivating students?

This undergraduate project is part of a larger project. The aim of this larger project is to design, develop and evaluate a mechanism that identifies motivational preferences of learners and then accommodates these preferences by providing each learner with motivational techniques that best support his/her learning process. The first step towards providing personalization based on […]

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Traffic Flow Optimization

In 2000, road traffic congestion in USA alone caused 3.6 billon vehicle-hours of delay, 21.6 billion liters of wasted fuel, and US$67.5 billion in lost productivity. Yearly estimates on economic, health, and environmental cost of traffic congestion in New Zealand is in excess of NZ$1 billion [Hazelton, 2010]. Traditionally, traffic modelling has concentrated on simulating […]

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