The effect of dynamic information display on perception of public restroom cleanliness

The cleanliness of restroom drives people’s preferences. In places such as hotels, restaurants and hospitals, a dirty bathroom will drive away potential customers as it lead them to question the cleanliness of the whole facility. Visionstate Inc. developed WANDA (Washroom Attendant Notification Digital Aid), a LCD touch screen that display the time of most recent […]

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Data Mining of Urban Mobility Pattern Using Taxi Trajectory Data

Urban mobility results from human movements from one region to another for interaction such as working, trading goods and other social events. Urban mobility has caused not only urban prosperity, but also some problems in the urban system, such as congestion, air pollution, energy consumption, public health and disease transmission. Therefore, understanding urban mobility is […]

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Computer Simulation of Geospatial Dynamics: How Do Cities Grow and Evolve?

Cities are the engines of creativity, wealth creation and economic growth in our society. Despite the increasing importance of cities in modern world, our ability to understand them scientifically and to manage them well in practice is limited. The greatest difficulties and challenges to any scientific approach to cities have resulted from their many interdependent […]

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Catalytic low cost carbon resources pyrolysis under natural gas for upgraded oil production

Fast pyrolysis followed by hydrodeoxygenation upgrading is the most popular way to produce bio-oil from biomass. A two-step process can be combined together as hydropyrolysis treatment. This approach usually involves continuous hydrogen flow and high operation pressure (15~100 atm), resulting in significantly increased capital and operational costs. Compared to hydrogen, which is not naturally available […]

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Housing inequality in China: patterns and processes

China has experienced a rapid process of urban growth and its housing market has expanded greatly in the past 30 years. It is evident that urban housing consumption and overall housing quality have been elevated significantly in China. Yet, the improvement in housing provision is clearly not shared equally among all residents in Chinese cities. […]

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Source apportionment of black carbon in Calgary, Canada

Black carbon (BC), generated from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels, is one of the two major airborne pollutants that drive climate change and degrade regional air quality. With a warming potential second to CO2, BC contributes the most uncertainty to climate modeling due to its short retention time in the atmosphere and poorly understood mixing, […]

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Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Rumor Spreading

Our intended research will be focused on rumor spreading protocols, also known as randomized broadcasting. In the randomized rumor spreading problem, the goal is to broadcast a message that is initiated at one node to all nodes in a given network, by means of nodes choosing uniformly at random a neighbor and exchanging the message […]

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Research and test of the full waveform inversion method

Full waveform inversion (FWI) is an inversion technique that uses least squares theory to compute a velocity model of the Earth that minimizes the difference between an acquired shot and a synthetic shot. The technique proved to be of hard usage in industry and the goal of the project is to research for solutions that […]

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Mathematical Models of cell invasion types emerging from phenotypic and environmental heterogene

The building blocks of multicellular organisms such as humans are cells, vessels and protein fibers. Cell migrations are instrumental in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms (such as wound healing). Aberrant cellular migrations are important in many pathological conditions, for instance in cancer. The majority of cancer related deaths (80-90%) are caused by spread […]

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Monitoring and Control System Design for Catalyst Manufac!uring Unit

As one of the novel element of a new technology for enhanced recovery and upgrading directly in the reservoir of bitumen and heavy oils, the unit for the online and on-field manufacturing and delivery of nanocatalysts into the reservoir will be constructed during 2015. The specialized and uniquely designed compact device, currently referred to as […]

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