The design, development and testing of a collaborative and adaptive root-cause analysis (CARCA) tool in a professional health, safety, environment, and regulatory department

This project aims to test and fully develop a collaborative and adaptive root-cause analysis (CARCA) tool. Designed as an educational technology, the goal of this tool is to enhance learning and retention of knowledge and skills of Health, Safety, Environment, and Regulatory professionals in their incident/accident investigations. The project will extensively test the tool for […]

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Building ecologically robust lakes for offsetting fisheries productivity

In order for Canadian industry to continue to meet the high demand for energy they must adhere to the social and environmental pressures to reclaim and restore the extraction sites to fully functioning ecosystems, and to offset environmental destruction when appropriate. Recent changes to Canada’s Fisheries Act in 2012, have enshrined offsetting strategies as a […]

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Bulk Data Transfer among Cloud Data Centers: Online Algorithms and SDN Implementation

This project studies efficient online optimization algorithms for large-scale data transfer among data centers in a geographically-distributed cloud system, as well as their SDN (Software Defined Networking)-facilitated implementation. Big data analytics, content distribution, and various web applications (social networking, search engine) have become dominating applications on today’s cloud platforms. Moving bulk volumes of data from […]

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Stepping Out. The impact of exercise on young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The overall research project undertaken by the University of Calgary graduate students will examine the effects of exercise on young adults 18-35 years of age with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Areas of investigation include cerebral blood flow changes, as well as sleep behavioral improvements. By doing research such as this, we will justify the use […]

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Swine feed efficiency improvement and meat quality co-selection using genome wide technologies Year Two

Improving feed efficiency (FE) and meat quality (MQ) are Canadian swine industry priorities that will increase sustainability and competitiveness. It is difficult to improve these traits simultaneously by traditional breeding methods due to limited knowledge of genetic interactions, limitations on animals that can be measured and the high cost of measurement. High throughput genomic technology […]

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Incorporation of biosolids from municipal wastewater processing facilities into Lipid-to-Hydrocarbon (L TH) methodologies for production of biofuels

Biosolids, the materials produced during treatment of sewage sludge, are produced in extremely large amounts each day in every town and city across the globe. This material contains significant amounts of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be detrimental to human heath and must be carefully disposed. Added to this, there are currently few uses […]

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Transdermal delivery of peptide hormones to treat tibial bone stress fractures using DiffusiMax liposomal cream base

The goal of this Mitacs research proposal study is to develop and apply experimental methodology for transdermal delivery of bone-targeting peptide hormone drugs. We aim to deliver these compounds using an appropriate hydrophilic-hydrophobic Diffusimax liposomal drug delivery cream base to anatomically superficial bone, at the sites of stress fractures (also known as “shin-splints”) in order […]

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Distributed Control Strategy Development for Demand-Side Energy Management in Commercial Buildings With Photo-Voltaic and Energy Storage

Increasing global energy demand coupled with efforts to reduce our carbon emission has pushed for improved energy efficiency in many areas. One area in need of improvement is residential and commercial buildings. Specifically, the demand-side energy management of commercial buildings can be improved significantly with improved control. With the addition of on-site renewable energy generation […]

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Methods to improve high-resolution airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery in support of urban waste heat mapping, monitoring and metrics

This proposal builds on 5 years of research in the award winning HEAT (Heat Energy Assessment Technologies) project. Every year, billions of GJ of wasted heat leave millions of buildings in thousands of cities world-wide. In an effort to support urban energy efficiency, this research proposes four novel image post-processing techniques to improve/verify the geometry, […]

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CommuterVis: Visually Understanding Commuter Behaviour in Canada

Too many people drive cars for commuting to work. If people used more active and sustainable transportation options this would reduce the impact on the environment and likely increase people’s physical activity and well-being. Our project partner Sustainable Alberta Association (SAA) is a not for profit organization that organize a Canadian annual wide competition called […]

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