Dynamic Bracing for Pectus Carinatum: A Quantitative Analysis

The most common solution to pectus carinatum is surgical. As braces begin to be developed that have been seen to reshape the chest successfully it becomes important to understand the effectiveness and optimal design thereof. Braceworks, has managed to create a low profile prototype brace which contains a protocol on how long to wear the […]

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Slab Bands and Punching Shear

Slab bands are a common structural system in North America due its general economy. At the slabband/column connection, unbalanced moments are being transferred that could lead to a common failure mechanism termed punching shear failure. This type of failure occurs when the column and a portion of the slab punches through the remaining slab. Thus, […]

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Methods to improve high-resolution airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery in support ofurban waste heat mapping, monitoring and metrics

This proposal builds on 4 years of research in the award winning HEAT (Heat Energy Assessment Technologies) project. Every year, billions of GJ of wasted heat leave millions of buildings in thousands of cities world-wide. In an effort to support urban energy efficiency, this research proposes four novel image post-processing techniques to improve/ verify the […]

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The application of Dried Blood Spot samples to Nutraceutical Metabolomics studies and related applications using LCMS based detection

The current approach for testing compounds of interest in blood such as drugs or nutrients involves drawing blood samples into vials that then require refrigeration prior to testing. Since transportation to remote laboratories is challenging, people need to go into medical labs to have their blood tested. This research will develop improved techniques that enable […]

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Collaborative Research on A spectral method for Cahn-Hilliard Equation

Cahn-Hilliard, appears in mathematical physics, describes the motion of two phase separating from each other. It has a wide range of applications in diverse fields such as material sciences, nanotechnology and semiconductor fabrication. There is a considerable research interest in studying the solution of the equation; however, the exact solution is hard to find. Therefore, […]

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Microbial diversity around natural hydrocarbon seeps in relation to petroleum bioprospecting and oil spill bioremediation Year 1

Oil reservoir souring is the production of toxic hydrogen sulfide by sulfate-reducing microorganisms (SRM) through naerobic respiration supported by organic electron donors present in oil fields. In recent years, nitrate injection has merged as a promising green biotechnology that has been proven effective in controlling sulfide production in oil fields. This strategy relies on inducing […]

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Engaging stakeholders to evaluate alternatives in energy system planning through agentbased automated negotiation Year Two

The objective of this project is to improve long-term planning of Alberta’s electricity system infrastructure in collaboration with an industry sponsor, Alberta Electricity System Operator (AESO). The project aims at engaging stakeholders in a regional planning exercise in southern Alberta by a detailed exploration of their perspectives when evaluating energy system alternatives. This was identified […]

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Towards Production of Industrial Oils from Camelina Year Two

In addition to food uses, vegetable oils are increasingly a source for renewable biomaterials and biofuels. Recent progress in the development of a biobased economy is focused on introduction and improvement of novel crop plants for non-food applications. The proposed project is part of an international collaborative effort to develop camelina as a new industrial […]

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A New Adaptive Antenna for RF Heating of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Canada owns the largest heavy oil and bitumen reserves in the world. Unfortunately, extracting these hydrocarbons is difficult due to their high viscosity. Currently, the most popular strategy is to heat the bitumen using steam, but steam injection can be inefficient and is not suitable for all reservoirs. Radio frequency heating offers a flexible and […]

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Effective Pipeline Integrity Decision Making

Pipeline operators are required to make decisions for various complex pipeline integrity situations on a daily basis. These integrity situations often comprise a complex interaction between integrity threats such as corrosion, cracking, third party damage, dents, buckles, and wrinkles. A pipeline operator usually develops their own processes towards dealing with each specific integrity threat. In […]

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Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Therapy in Myasthenia Gravis Exacerbation

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is caused by an immune attack on the nerve and muscles junctions and manifests as severe and sometimes life threatening muscle weakness. A number of effective immune modifying medications are available for MG. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) – a fraction of blood harvested from thousands of donors and containing high concentration of immunoglobulins, […]

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