Design and Refinement of a Colour-based Metabolomic Biosensor System

This project involves designing a portable device for measuring concentrations of certain metabolites in a person’s blood or urine. This is an easy-to-use device that connects to a smartphone to display a final result based on measurements of multiple components to generate a specific health diagnosis. Different tests can be run on the same device. […]

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Development of a highly accurate machine learning algorithm constrained by well-log data and its application in Lithological classification

The drilling success rate is the most important goal for any oil/gas company. For a start-up company, any failure in drilling will be a disaster. To this end, the Petro-Lin Energy Corp. wishes that through the combination of mature hydrocarbon prediction techniques and new research results such as machine learning, the success rate of hydrocarbon […]

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Synthesis of CO2-Based Polymers for Carbon Capture

Carbon dioxide is produced from the combustion of fossil fuels and as a by-product of many chemical processes. The increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has now been decisively linked to global climate change. The use CO2 as a carbon-building block has attracted much attention due to its low cost, ease availability, and its […]

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An Integrated model of Geomechanics and a Multiporosity Reservoir Simulator to Investigate Improved Recovery Techniques in Shale Reservoirs-Part 2

Shale reservoirs have become a very important source of hydrocarbons, especially in North America. Shales are rocks with very low permeability and therefore, produce the hydrocarbons stored in them is difficult. In order to do it, oil companies have to inject high pressurized fluids to break the rock. But, by using this unique strategy, most […]

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Climate volatility and its impact on baseline trends, natural variability, productivity, and disaster potential in the Canadian ecozones

This project is designed to assess both natural variability and the future change of forest productivity and natural disaster risks that are related to climate. These areas are important to study as climatic change is projected to impact northern latitudes more strongly and disasters, such as floods, droughts, and fires, are predicted to increasingly impact […]

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Simulation-Enabled Intelligent Decision Support for Planning Precast Concrete Production Operations

Advances in engineering technology and requirements for sustainable development are main drivers for changes and innovations in the current construction industry. The paradigm shift to precast construction moves conventional field construction efforts into the controlled environment of an offsite manufacturing facility. These precast concrete products lend a significant advantage in execution of fast-paced construction projects, […]

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Temperature Prediction using Machine Learning

Synauta is a startup bringing the world’s best Internet of Things solutions to water utilities. Our deep industry knowledge prepares utilities for true connectivity to realize energy savings. We provide cyber security, sensors and software. In this project we will create a temperature prediction algorithm to save energy for water treatment plants. More energy can […]

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Modelling of inspection cycles for power distribution transformers

EPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc., an electric utility based in Edmonton is carrying out inspections on a fixed time interval for all of its distribution assets. In the case of pad-mounted distribution transformers, many of the time-based inspections resulted in the decision of “no action required”. This project aims to investigate the inspection data and […]

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Geographic mapping for small-diameter gas pipelines in a city

Geographic location of a pipeline is important information for pipeline maintenance and fault detection. Usually, the geographic location of a pipeline on the ground can be measured directly with global positioning system (GPS) technology, but it is much difficult to determine the geographic position of an inaccessible underground pipeline in a city. In this research, […]

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Design of a real-time on-site biosensor system to monitor harmful pathogens and protect canola production

Canada is one of the largest canola producing countries. The industry contributes about $20 billion revenue to the Canadian economy. Currently, canola farmers rely on the weather forecast (temperature, moisture, etc.) to decide whether to apply a fungicide. As the Internet-of-Things and sensor technologies get more advanced, farmers are deserved to have better technologies for […]

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Zero-Power Sensors for Smart Homes

Sensors are used in many applications from capturing the biomedical signals to monitoring oil pipelines in harsh environment. Sensors have been traditionally used in industrial environment for improving safety, stochastic data acquisition, monitoring and controlling the environment. Nowadays, there is a huge demand for low-cost wireless sensors as a part of Internet-of-Things (IoT) for smart […]

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