An Integrated Multi-Case Study Approach to Identify Employee Training Best Practices to Drive SME Business Development

E training and development has been repeatedly identified in studies to be a major contributor to corporate financial performance. Large enterprises maintain dedicated training departments, while a vast array of consultants and corporate education companies exist to help small and medium sized enterprises. At the same time, choosing the right corporate training is difficult, and […]

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An Integrated Multi-Case Study Approach to Advancing Business-to-Business (B2B) Online Marketing Strategies In an Expanded Multi-sector Study with 15 Companies

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is considerably different from the business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing. Marketing strategies do not necessarily translate from one segment to another. This is evident in the social media/online marketing arena where many of the strategies and tools have been developed primarily for B2C marketing which results in many B2B companies dismissing social media/online marketing […]

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The development of a serum-free media formulation for cultured meat production

Cultured meat production has enormous potential to supplement the global protein supply. However, it has yet to become a consumer product due to high production costs, which are mainly attributed to the cell growth media. We intend to develop a cheap and effective culture media for the growth of animal cells for cultured meat applications. […]

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Mechanistic characterization of voltage sensor-targeted Kv7 activators

Epilepsy is a complex disorder, affecting roughly 1% of the global population. Treatments are available, but many patients (~1/3) are resistant to existing therapies, which have become economically challenging. In this project we will investigate a new class of anti-epileptic drugs that target neuronal voltage-gated Kv7 potassium channels. The intern will characterize the mechanism of […]

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Advancing methods and understanding: Status and drivers of mammal populations in Alberta

Biodiversity loss is a major concern worldwide. Alberta’s has abundant natural resources; however, developing these natural resources can impact species, including mammal species and those valued by the public. Understanding the impacts of disturbance on populations of mammals is necessary in order to inform environmental management. This project will harness existing data through the Alberta […]

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Using Technology to Combat Social Isolation

Despite increasing accessibility to connect with others online, the general public is lonelier than ever (Blackpool, Gjøvik and Tokyo 2019). To address this growing pandemic of social isolation and loneliness, the current proposal plans to use experimental methods to examine how social media can be used to help reduce loneliness and promote overall mental well-being. […]

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The development and feasibility/acceptability testing of an online mind-body wellness program for primary biliary cirrhosis

Persons with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) have high rates of liver disease-related symptoms and poor health-related quality of life – amongst the lowest of all chronic liver diseases. Patients and the Canadian PBC Society have identified the need for self-care tools to manage symptom burden. Building upon a previously developed online wellness program for inflammatory […]

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Upgrading of heavy and high heteroatoms containing Hydrofaction™ Oil, to fuel blendstocks via Hydroprocessing and in-situ hydrogen production

The Project’s objective is to continue with development and optimization of the promising HTL biocrude upgrading approach that has been executed during the previous MITACS Converge/Accelerated project. The activities are going to be focus on in-situ hydrogen production to limit external cost of hydrogen and process optimization for the obtention of Jet and Marine fuel […]

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Interactive, place-based mapping of climate analogs in Yukon’s mountain regions to inform tree species selection in areas of rapid climate change.

Research problem: Reclamation practitioners must consider seed source for revegetation measures that maximize long-term resilience of reclaimed sites in regions undergoing rapid climate change. Climate analog mapping, relating climate of a space at a point in time to that of another, can help identify location of seed sources best adapted for current and future climates. […]

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Probiotics in pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a kind of chronic neurodevelopmental disorders that detrimentally affect the behavior and development in children. There is a tight need for efficient treatment. Scientific evidences have shown that the gut microbiota as well as their metabolites may mediate the responsiveness to changes in diet (e.g. ketogenic diet). However, clinically relevant […]

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