Performance Analysis of a Network of Dual-Lane Roundabouts – Part 2

Modern roundabouts have become a subject of great interest and attention over the last few years considering their potential to reduce vehicular delay & emissions and increase safety. The objectives of this study to examine the short- and long-term benefits performance of roundabouts from a multi-modal perspective. Using real observed data from vehicular traffic, pedestrians, […]

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Automatically Assessing Frailty from Medical Notes

Frailty is an especially problematic expression of population ageing. It is a condition characterised by loss of biological reserves across multiple organ systems and vulnerability to physiological decompensation after a stressor event. Older people with frailty are at increased risk of adverse outcomes including disability, hospitalisation, nursing home admission and mortality. This project addresses the […]

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Sentiment Analysis for the Assessment of Financial Fitness (SAFF)

We apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Sentiment Analysis for the Assessment of Financial Fitness (SAFF), which can help an individual to understand one’s latent feeling and reservation towards money saving, spending and planning. The SAFF framework can be applied to not only financial institutions, but also other sectors, e.g. healthcare, rehabilitation and education. Sentiment analysis […]

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Learning non-local features for 3D reconstruction of buildings

The goal of this project is to help automate the process of scanning buildings with consumer digital cameras. Currently, fully automated scanning with a commercial camera produces inaccurate scans, while accurate scans require significant manual effort on each individual photograph (of which there are many) of the building to be scanned. We plan to use […]

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Field testing of selected salt tolerant screened balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) clones for use in reclamation around end-pit lakes associated with bitumen extraction in northern Alberta.

The fundamental challenge when reclaiming oil sands areas is to ensure not only survival, but vigorous growth of the plant material. Finding plants suitable for high salt conditions has offered the opportunity for Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. to investigate the potential role of using native balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) as a key reclamation species for […]

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Chipless RF Sensing for E-smart Composite Pipeline Integrity

Recent pipeline projects in Canada and the US have attracted lots of attention due to their importance for our future economy and environment. In the proposed project University of Alberta and Shawcor propose to work together towards developing E-smart pipelines and creating defect free system. We will utilize the vast amount of emerging and cutting-edge […]

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Integration of Machine Learning with Distributed Temperature and Acoustic Sensing to Build Data-Driven Dynamic Reservoir Model

This project will develop practical workflows, algorithms and programming codes for inferring unknown reservoir properties from distributed temperature and acoustic sensing data. In-situ pressure and flow conditions can be interpreted from downhole fiber signals gathered in real time, which are used to estimate unknown heterogeneous reservoir parameters continuously. Machine learning methods will be incorporated to […]

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Welding Assessment and Data Trending

In an effort to ensure pipelines continue to operate in a safe condition, various inspections and assessments are completed on a continual basis during their operating lifespan. These assessments include radiographic or ultrasonic examinations, forms of non-destructive examination (NDE), of circumferential girth welds formed between multiple pipe sections. The purpose of this project is to […]

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