Process Optimization of Electrokinetic Transport Phenomena for Remediation of Oil Sands Tailings

The research project would involve developing and executing an experimental program to optimize the application of electrokinetic dewatering technology for oil sands tailings called EKS-DT developed by ElectroKinetic Solutions (EKS). This research will involve conducting a series of high priority experiments for process optimization and innovation. Three main research categories involving electrokinetic tailings consolidation modelling, […]

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Pipeline Strain Demand and Capacity under Geotechnical Threats

Pipelines are often subjected to longitudinal stresses due to ground movements such as moving slopes and discontinuous permafrost areas. In these cases, numerical models are used to calculate strain demand which is then compared to tensile and compressive strain capacities (TSC and CSC) which are functions of the pipeline and girth weld material properties. In […]

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Production of polyurethane rigid foams using biobased polyols for insulation (part 2)

Thermal insulation of buildings and storages reduces the energy consumption for heating. Polyurethane foams are one of the efficient material for insulation. Currently, polyurethane foam industries use raw materials derived from petroleum. This research project aim to replace some of petrochemical-based materials used in polyurethane foam with biobased materials. This can reduce the dependency on […]

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Determining position, speed and stride length using machine learning with sensor fusion based on ultrawideband local positioning system technology

Sensors that track human movement are becoming more and more popular in all kinds of applications including healthcare, sport and general human movement. However, traditional sensors generally have problems tracking individuals indoors and they are not very accurate when measuring subtle movements. Using innovative technology, new wearable sensors have been developed to track human movement […]

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Hydrorefined fuels – computational insight into the mechanism

Improving the quality of fuels, increasing the efficiency and also producing lower emissions is one of the main challenges of the 21st century. A Calgary company, Katal, is working on a hydrorefining process in order to produce diesel fuel with superior quality compared with the traditional fuel. The company, however, has limited scientific understanding of […]

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CCREST: Cold Cracking by Resonance Energy for Sustainable Technologies

The project is a demonstration of Advanced Energy Technologies (AET)’s patented refining process for upgrading heavy oil products without diluent or extreme heat treatments. This produces lighter, higher value oil that is easier to work with throughout the process stream, with greater efficiency and less cost. AET will be conducting demonstration runs of the Hydrogen […]

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Integration of benchtop focused ultrasound device with a collaborative software platform for image-guided exploration and user-centred design guidelines

Focused Ultrasound (FUS) is a therapeutic modality that can concentrate non-invasively mechanical energy far from its source in just a few cubic millimeters. FUS is used, by example, to treat brain disorders such as essential tremor. At research level, very diverse approaches are being explored. From the treatment of Alzheimer Disease, brain stimulation with FUS […]

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Transit Signal Priority in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environments

This research aims to develop a novel transit signal priority (TSP) strategy under autonomous/connected vehicle environment to ease traffic congestion for transit vehicles at intersections. In this study, the accurate arrival time of transit vehicles at intersections will be estimated and the green time will be extended accordingly to help transit vehicles pass intersections. Moreover, […]

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Developing the use of UAV Imagery Systems for Agriculture Applications

During the last decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) drew the attention to be used as platform for imagery systems for different applications including agriculture applications. Therefore, the proposed research aims to develop the use of UAVs for specific important agriculture applications as weed management. These developments include the use of low-cost imagery sensors for these […]

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Portable sensor for rapid and onsite detection of bacteria in water

The presence of harmful bacteria in drinking water sources can seriously harm the population that receives the contaminated water. The current standard methods for testing drinking water for bacteria heavily rely on using central laboratories. For small rural communities that are far from these laboratories, this scheme may represent 2-7 delays until they find out […]

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