eChaperone Computer Vision Application in Healthcare Analytics

Providing high quality healthcare service is important in a society not only for the patients but also for their families and friends, who devote time to take care of their loved ones. In order to meet the healthcare demands of citizens, especially for the baby booming generation, an increasing number of long term care facilities […]

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Development of Functional Nanoparticles for Targeted Biomaterial Cell Delivery

Genetic engineering has proven to be a useful approach for gene therapy and transformation of value-added agricultural plants. However, the current available technologies suffer from several limitations. These include relative low delivery efficiency with difficult-to-deliver cells or complex constructs and limit freedom-to-operate. Considering advances have been made in the applications of nanotechnology to life science […]

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Tracing the Historical Plays of Power in Alberta’s Recreation System

When we research the knowledge of the past, we also research the conditions of possibility for different futures (Foucault, 2003; Peers, 2015). Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to use the traces of the past to question the practices that have come to be naturalized within Alberta’s recreation system (e.g., providing pay-per-use recreation […]

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Crawler Crane Load Distribution Beneath Timber Mats

The scope of this research is to develop new equations for the load distributions beneath timber mats from a crawler crane, for various types of soil, by using numerical software. This would enable industrials to accurately estimate the behavior of stresses in soils, in order to reduce the costs of ground preparation for cranes by […]

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Quality Assessment and Enhancement of Retinal Images – Part 2

Babies who are born prematurely are at risk of developing a condition called Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP), which if left untreated, can lead to permanent blindness. RoP causes characteristic changes in the retinal vascu-lature, which can be seen when looking into the eye. Because the infants need to be monitored regularly for this condition, and […]

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Anomaly detection and simulation for unlabeled sensor data

The rapid development in the areas of statistics and machine learning demonstrate unprecedented performance in making cognitive business decisions. aims to use state-of-the-art machine learning technology to help manufacturers assess and maintain the quality of their industrial units, which suffer damage due to continuous usage and normal wear and tear. Such damage needs to […]

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Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater using Nanotechnologies – Year two

Contamination in soil and groundwater tends to be overlooked since their adverse impact does not appear exteriorly and instantaneously. However, the contaminants could potentially cause adverse impact on vegetation and human health by migrating off the contaminated site through groundwater flow, and also influence climate change through cycling of elements. Recently, demand for remediation of […]

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Scaling 3D Microtissue Production Using a Microwell System

Tissue engineering works to replace damaged tissue and organs, and has applications in treating diseases such as diabetes. To improve the performance of tissue engineering treatment and research, our lab has produced the microwell system which creates microtissues in the form of cellular balls. The microwell system has been used used internationally under the brand […]

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Digital speech analysis: prediction and differential diagnosis of PTSD symptoms and severity

Occupational stress conveys risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In PTSD, early diagnosis and early treatment interventions are advantageous for positive outcomes. We will develop novel technology for early diagnosis of and prediction of vulnerability to PTSD in military and first responder personnel. Based on our existing collaboration on identification of symptoms and prediction of […]

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