Metal oxide Nanomaterial electrolytes for all-solid-state sodium-Ion battery – Year 2

Batteries are ideally suited for energy storage application due to their pollution-free operation, high efficiency, flexible energy and power characteristics to meet different grid functions, cycle life, and low maintenance. The proposed project aims to develop a non-explosive, non-toxic, non-flammable all-solid-state sodium-ion battery with a commercially competitive business case for applications in grid-scale battery storage, […]

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Junior hockey competence analytics – Year two

We are developing a wearable hardware sensor and analysis software. The sensor collects activity and performance data, which is then analyzed by software and used to present feedback that players and coaches can use to improve performance.

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Engaging people experiencing poverty in poverty reduction initiatives

Across Canada, many provinces and municipalities are struggling to address poverty in their communities. Communities are attempting to address poverty with poverty reduction strategies. With a lack of literature to support these attempts, it is difficult for communities to best address poverty and to best engage people experiencing poverty in their poverty reduction initiatives. Results […]

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Portfolio optimization and risk analysis

In recent years, the use of Mathematics and Statistics in Finance has become increasingly important, with the arrival of new software and investment methods. The notion of market efficiency, particularly the assumption that assets are always correctly priced, suffers from market anomalies which lead to potential arbitrage strategies in the short run. Therefore, this project […]

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Enhancement of Cement Properties by Means of In Situ Prepared Nanoparticles

Cement is a vital material in our modern society. It is the only thing that humans consume more of, by volume, than water. Conventional cement-based materials are usually brittle, have low tensile strength and exhibit bulk shrinkage. With the recent advancements in nanotechnology, many researchers investigated the addition of nanoparticles to the cement mix to […]

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Fire retardant fabrics for active workwear applications

Besides sport activities, active wear has found its way into people’s routine life because of its fashionable appearance and comfort. Active workwear is also preferred for some jobs with strenuous activities, like operators working in factories or construction fields. Each of these environments has its own list of hazards, such as fire, chemical spills, or […]

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Materials Selection & Design Strategies for Impact Resistance in Hand Protection

The needs for protective equipment are many, and range from use at home to many industrial sectors, such as: construction, mechanics, forestry, oil and gas, health, and manufacturing. There are many reasons to wear protective equipment: to provide improved grip and resistance to chemical exposure, pathogens, heat, cold, abrasion, punctures, cuts, crushing, and impact. In […]

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Evaluating the impacts of landscape development on carnivore activity patterns and species interactions

Understanding the impacts of human-driven disturbance on carnivore communities is an important step for prioritizing conservation decisions and managing land-use policies. Disturbances such as landscape development may influence how species structure their activity periods over the 24-hour cycle and potentially compromise the capacity for competitors to avoid costly encounters with each other. Few studies to […]

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A Deep Learning Approach to Soft Sensor Design and Process Optimization for an Industrial Nickel Extraction Process

The objective of this project is to use artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to solve complex industrial problems. The two biggest advantages of AI-based approaches are the ability to continuously learn and also learn adequately from historical data. Traditionally, many process information are unmeasurable during live operations because of instrumentation limitations. Also, plants are not sufficiently […]

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Silicon Quantum Dot Trace Explosive Sensor

Development and testing of a trace explosive sensor based on silicon nanomaterials or quantum dots. The project will involve interaction and pilot testing with the RCMP and Transport Canada. The success of the project will enable Applied Quantum Materials to introduce a new product into the security marketplace and form a platform technology for the […]

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Understanding the scope for innovations in vaccine technology in the swine industry

Pig production is a vital component of the Canadian agricultural sector. Airborne bacterial pathogens Haemophilus parasuis, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Actinobacillus suis are major causes of swine respiratory disease and cause rapidly progressing systemic infections that lead to significant morbidity and mortality. We are developing engineered subunit vaccines that can simultaneously target all three pathogens and […]

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