Smart fusion of multi-sensors for UAVs Navigation – Year 2

The main outcome of this Mitacs-sponsored project will be a robust navigation software capable of providing accurate navigation solutions for commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Such a software will further elevate the industrial competitiveness for the partner corporation, the Profound Positioning Inc. (PPI). After finishing this project, PPI will be able to offer more comprehensive […]

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Development and Validation of Software for the Three-dimensional Quantification and Visualization of Blood Flow Hemodynamics in Patients with Aortic Insufficiency using 4D flow MRI. Year 2

The aim of this proposal is to assist in the development and validation of a dedicated 4D flow MRI analysis software for the evaluation of aortic valve insufficiency. Before being commercialized this software requires validation considering the large amount of data required to be pre-processed (over 2,000 files per case), elemental data corrections, data analysis […]

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Feature-based process modelling and customized software development for adopting ISO 10002 and ISO 10004 in Food Industry

Several customer satisfaction problems are identified in service industry as the causes of inefficiencies, and then further they could potentially lead to value destruction and loss of competitiveness. Such emerging organizational threats can be turned into opportunities by integrating a customer satisfaction management module into the existing operating software tool. The objective is to develop […]

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Evaluation of the accuracy of the in-situ individual particle sizing technology

The research objectives are to better understand the limitations of a new particle sizing system in terms of accuracy on particle size, of accuracy on size distribution, of accuracy on particle concentration and finally of size dynamic range. During the research project, the sources of the limitations will be identified and improvements to the technology […]

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Probabilistic Life Cycle Analysis of Alternative Reinforcement Products in the Design of Concrete Structures — Phase One: Laboratory Durability Testing

Corrosion of internal reinforcement of concrete bridges represents a significant issue. Due to a presence of deicing salts, cycles of freezing and thawing, sustained and repetitive loads, the concrete loses its ability to protect the internal reinforcement. Unprotected reinforcement starts to corrode sooner than anticipated and, therefore, reduces the bridge service life. To avoid shortening […]

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Real-time Quantitative Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis

The medical marijuana industry has attracted significant attention recently due to its impending legalization in Canada in the coming year. Along with legalization comes the need for accurate and dependable characterization of the components in the product that is to be consumed by the end user. Keystone Labs is a certified cannabis analysis lab with […]

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Nordegg Member source rock quality and Early Jurassic ocean redox conditions based on core analysis and organic/inorganic geochemistry

Unconventional shale gas has become a common source of hydrocarbons in the past few decades with advances in extraction techniques such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Many hydrocarbon-bearing rocks that were once unobtainable are now available for oil and gas production; the Nordegg Member in northeastern British Columbia is one of these rocks units. […]

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Dynamic Bandwidth Management

In the telecommunications industry, many schemas exist to cap or limit bandwidth at certain levels for clients. However, there are no real options available to allow clients to intelligently utilize spare bandwidth above their committed purchase rates. We propose to design, implement and evaluate novel bandwidth allocation mechanisms for high speed networks like the Cybera […]

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Characterizing wetlands of different restoration ages in central Alberta using drone-based information (an extension to current Mitacs project: Advanced mapping techniques applied to wetland drone base information; IT08204)

Wetlands provide important ecosystem services to human communities, such as groundwater recharge, storing floodwater, and supplying fishery resources. In Alberta, wetlands cover ~21% of the province, forming one of the Canada’s largest wetlands reserves; however, many of these wetlands have been impacted or lost through human activities. Over the past 30 years, there have been […]

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