Conception et construction d’un simulateur de rafales destiné à tester des éoliennes

Les avancées dans la conception d’éoliennes sont considérablement ralenties actuellement par les charges en flexion instables que des rafales peuvent exercer sur les pales. En étudiant la manière dont nagent ou volent les animaux dans des environnements instables, il est possible d’améliorer le rendement des éoliennes qui sont soumises à des rafales. Une recherche biomimétique […]

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Laboratoire sur puce pour la détection de Listéria dans des échantillons d’aliment

La salubrité alimentaire revêt une importance capitale au Canada. Une récente vague d’épidémie de listériose issue d'une usine de transformation de la viande a suscité un intérêt renouvelé pour le contrôle d’agents pathogènes d'origine alimentaire dans les produits à base de viande prêts à manger. L’appareil proposé par cette recherche doit permettre de détecter la […]

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Translation as a Productive Cultural Space: Gao Xingjian in Translation

My proposed project focuses on the translation and reception in France of works by the Chinese-French writer, Gao Xingjian, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2000. I will use Gao’s novels in French translation as a case study to problematize the pessimistic views on the untranslatability between Chinese and Western languages as […]

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Design and development of a grating-based flow-cytometer

Flow cytometry is a technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles. A sample containing cells or particles is suspended in a fluid and injected into the flow cytometer instrument. The sample is focused to ideally flow one cell at a time through a laser beam […]

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Intelligent Analytics for Dynamic Events in a Smart City

Artificial Intelligence (AI) research has grown rapidly in recent years as the result of faster computers and better algorithms. AI models can be trained to automate the decision process and provide results. However, if the model is not properly or sufficiently trained, the outcome will likely be unpredictable and inaccurate. Besides, training data is not […]

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Changing children’s awareness and behavior toward environmentally sustainable practices through educative programs

In order to improve the understanding and awareness for students about the management of energy efficiency and environmentally sustainable practices, this study will evaluate the effectiveness on changing children’s awareness and behavior toward those aspects through of the implementation of educative material, previously developed by Nature’s Ride, by way of scholastic workshops on primary school […]

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Apelin Analog Therapy as an Innovative Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases

Apelin, an innate peptide, is a critical component of the apelin pathway, which is responsible for regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system. Apelin is downregulated in patients with cardiovascular disease, therefore limiting the cardioprotective potential of the pathway. This project focuses on the optimization of a biological analog, able to withstand enzyme degradation with improved […]

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Alberta Soil Carbon Quantification Project

There is a growing movement within the agricultural community to use a nature-based approach to soil management, emphasizing its natural ability to sequester atmospheric carbon. Soil carbon sequestration not only improves soil health and fertility, but benefits the climate (reduced GHG emissions) and watersheds (facilitates water infiltration, mitigating floods, and purification). The objectives of this […]

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Stability and antioxidant properties of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products

Nutraceuticals are being used ubiquitously, but seldom undergo rigorous testing. This study is focused on two primary aspects of studying natural health products, specific cannabis and its oils. The first objective is to determine the shelf life (product stability) by performing a series of tests to accelerate the ageing process in order to provide an […]

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Development of Technologies and Methods for Metabolite collection and processing

Metabolomics is an emerging field of research that provides insight into health and disease by studying the levels of various small molecules (metabolites) in the body. In this project, we are developing new tools that will improve and standardize methods for collecting and stabilizing fecal samples for metabolomics studies based on the analysis of fecal […]

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Automatic Verification of Comparators and Hash Functions

The implementation of data structures usually requires checking for certain mathematical properties such as equality. Those properties are usually implemented in methods that reason about the objects stored in these data structures. However, the implementation of such methods is fairly complex, and may exhibit software bugs that may not necessarily lead to program crashes. Therefore, […]

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