The impact of correlations on VaR

Energy companies are in the business of turning energy from one form into another. For example, a gas-fired power station turns chemical potential energy stored in the natural gas into electrical energy. A natural gas storage facility allows energy (held in the form of natural gas) to be stored at one point in time and […]

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Mixed Medium Drilling with a Single Bit – Drilling from Whipstock to TD

Oil and gas in tight formations with low porosity and/or permeability are often accessed using horizontal wells. In certain scenarios multiple horizontals are drilled from a single wellbore to create a multilateral well to increase production potential without the need for larger surface facilities. In drilling multilaterals, a retrievable whipstock assembly is used to kick […]

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Numerical Modelling of Laser Cladding Technology using Pastes and Tapes

Laser cladding is an additive manufacturing technology for applying high-quality metal coatings to parts in order to improve their mechanical wear properties, and thus increase their lifespan. Currently, these metal coatings are created by depositing metal powders on the work piece and welding them together with the laser. A significant amount of powder is lost […]

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Laboratory and Field Assessment of Performance of Treated Wildland Vegetative Fuels

The proposed project will assess and quantify the energy transfer from wildland fires as it relates to coverage of vegetative fuel with wildland fire chemicals for protection of wildland/urban interfaces. The project will extend on preliminary work on the relative performance of wildfire chemicals (e.g., water, gel, foam, and long-term retardants) on forest vegetation. The […]

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The Challenges of Curating Latin American Cinema in the 21st Century

Curatorial studies is a well-established field of research in the visual arts. However, curating and programming are probably among the most understudied areas in film and media scholarship. While I participate in defining the official selection of Latin American movies for the 2017 edition of the Toronto International Film Festival, I will gather tools to […]

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Partnering to innovate for sustainable development – Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Working Group

This project is part of a research program to develop a model of sustainability-oriented innovation processes. The model would allow Canadian organizations to innovate systematically and deliberately and become leaders in innovating for sustainable development. We will work to develop the model with Canada’s Oil Sand’s Innovation Alliance and its members: Cenovus Energy Inc., Shell […]

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A One-Health approach to echinococcosis (Echinococcus multilocularis) in client owned dogs in Alberta: force of infection, risk factors, diagnostics, treatments and information

This project aims to determine prevalence rates of Echinococcus species tapeworms in domestic dogs and to compare these rates to those obtained from wild canids including wolves, coyotes, and foxes. This will shed light on infection rates and risk factors for both the human population and their pet dogs. This research will benefit Bayer as […]

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Validation of novel balance assessment software using Microsoft Kinect v2.0

Objective and reliable assessment of balance and postural sway has the ability to drastically improve the screening process for risk of falls among elderly populations. Standard assessment protocols and questionnaires are in place, however these do not provide objective, reliable fall prediction. Standard concussion assessment protocols determine the presence and severity of a concussion, as well […]

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Default Rates and Recovery rates on the portfolio of loans for the sectors Retail Financial Service and Independent Business and Agriculture Financial Services (IB&Ag) in the Alberta Business Environment, an Application of the Logistic Lasso Regression

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for loss allowances are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new ones to remain compliant. The main ingredient in the myriad of evaluations that banks are required to perform for compliance is risk assessment. The first goal of this research project is to review best […]

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