Wireless Network Planning and Robust Optimization for Advanced Irrigation Systems

This project is designated to the development of information and communication systems for advanced irrigation systems. An optimal wireless network planning algorithm will be developed to select the optimal locations for relay station placement at a minimum cost. Due to the potential GPS measurement errors in the irrigation area, robust optimization technique will be applied […]

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Alkaline treated straw and micro machine technology to improve digestive health and profitability of feedlot cattle

This research will investigate use of calcium oxide treated straw (CaOS) to increase fibre levels in wheat-based feedlot cattle finishing diets. In vitro total gas production will be measured to determine the ideal treatment protocol for creation of CaOS. Further in vitro work will compare fibre digestibility of CaOS to untreated straw, barley silage and […]

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Studies on the application of photocatalysis to capture methane and treat contaminated water with organic compounds

Recent developments in process industry as well as tight environmental discharge regulations required industries to recycle water which means removing contaminants and send it back to the process. Conventional treatment systems consume energy with large carbon footprint. Canadian economic movement towards decarbonization has lead us to focus our research on the development of a material […]

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Alberta High Resolution Wetland Inventory Methodology Development

This project aims to operationalize innovative methods for developing cost effective wetland inventories across Alberta by use of numerous sources of remote sensing data, namely light detection and ranging (LiDAR), synthetic aperture Radar (SAR), and optical imagery. The project will formalize a mapping specification, develop training and validation datasets (available in-kind from the academic supervisor […]

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Machine learning in fluid composition quantification

A critical issue in the oil and gas industry is to quantify the composition of fluids flowing back from the hydraulic fracturing process. This quantification is usually carried out by a manual process (frequently via a visual test) to estimate the water and oil produced from a well flow back process. A sample of these […]

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Junior hockey competence analytics

Analytics is about awareness of the states of knowledge of users. Users can become aware of their owns states of knowledge at different levels. Analytics measures such levels of each user, and engages them in taking initiatives to hop from one knowledge state to the next. The hops happen mostly gradually, depending on the capacity […]

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Proxy models for Thermal Production Optimization

Amid the tough challenge of dwindling oil prices, GE is seeking for new technology to create production forecasting and optimization tools that simulate the real operating environments and optimize across the entire process, providing actionable insights that help producers achieve their cost, production, and environmental goals. The objective of this project is to develop data […]

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Social Sustainability of Canada’s Parks: The Case of the Banff Corridor

Protected areas naturally attract conservationists keen to preserve pristine environments. Hospitality companies exploit these areas to expand tourism. Private interests are often supported by lobby groups such as chambers of commerce and hotel associations. Between the conservationists and private sector owners are the employees that provide essential services from chambermaids to bartenders who mostly earn […]

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Degradation Assessment for Critical Assets in Power Generation

Degradation assessment for critical assets in power generation has great significance for power industry. Existing degradation assessment models failed either in combining the multimodal condition monitoring data or in removing time-varying working condition influences, resulting in inaccurate and/or unreliable degradation assessment results. In order to achieve robust and accurate degradation assessment for power generation critical […]

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