Model-Based Detection of Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems

The lack of central control in distributed systems makes the analysis and design of such systems a challenging task.  In fact many faults are introduced into the system at this stage of the software development life cycle.  Therefore discovering and removing design validation of distributed software systems prior to the implementation phase is greatly desirable […]

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Autonomous Passenger Counting System with Distributed IP Cameras – Phase 2

The City of Edmonton is currently in need of an automatic passenger counting (APC) system for its Light Rail Transit (LRT). An APC will help the City with various decisions making. In this proposal we focus on automatic video processing to count passengers boarding and alighting from LRT. The proposed system is simple – it […]

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Icing Mitigation for Wind Turbines

Wind turbines in cold coastal climate experience frequent icing events. Icing may result in a variety of problems which can affect the production rate and availability of the turbines. The main focus of the proposed research is on how to deal with the icing issues at Kent Hills wind farm located in New Brunswick. Total […]

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Ecological risk assessment of oil sands related contaminants to aquatic biodiversity

      Alberta Environment’s comprehensive contaminant load study, located in Alberta’s oil sands mining area is designed to document the flow of contaminants (from anthropogenic and natural sources) into the environment and their effects on biodiversity and human health. The project proposed for this internship will cover the impacts and risks to the aquatic […]

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The role of novel red yeast rice formulations to modulate lipid metabolism and reduce dyslipidemia and vascular disease in the JCR:LA-cp rat.

The primary objective of this MITACS study is to utilize a novel animal model with high blood lipids to assess the potential lipid lowering efficacy of red yeast formulations developed by SinoVeda Canada Inc. The intestine is the first-pass organ for the metabolism of dietary lipids and has an important role in whole body cholesterol homeostasis.  […]

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Advanced Modeling for Diagnostics and Optimization of Oil Wells

  Several thousand new pumpjacks are installed in Alberta oil fields each year. Hence, for obvious reasons, developing efficient Pump-jack technology is important to the oil and gas community. The project investigates the process and control systems with particular applications in dynamic modeling of oil and gas well pump-jacks which is also known as the […]

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Improving Visibility Testing in Terrain Navigation

In this project, the intern will be tasked with improving the visibility testing algorithms in a commercial simulation software product. In the software, a large number of entities (such as military forces or emergency response personnel, including vehicles and people) are moving around on a two-dimensional map. The inter-entity visibility (that is, which entities are […]

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Dynamic cost modeling for mega projects

  There is a recurring problem of cost overrun on mega engineering projects with a budgeted cost of $1 Billion or more. Examples of mega projects include dams, hydro electric projects, and high speed rail projects. The basic reason for cost overrun can be attributed to underestimation of project cost, increases in material and labor […]

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Study of effect of therapeutic ultrasound device on dentoalveolar structure in dogs

  The proposed project will research the therapeutic effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on dentoalveolar structure on dogs.  The main research problems to be addressed by this project are: (1) study the effects of LIPUS (Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound) on the tooth root tissues (cementum and pulp) when moved orthodontically, and (2) study the effects […]

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