Optimal design of experiments in geological carbon storage

The project’s aims are to conduct research on geological carbon storage from the perspective of dynamic analysis and process systems engineering, looking in particular at the dynamics between the wellhead and the CO2 storage reservoir. The main objective is to achieve closed loop operation and management of the reservoir with respect to CO2 sequestration and […]

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Universal characterization of quantum optical devices: Theory and practice

The primary vision of my group’s research is implementing light as the principal physical medium for quantum information processing. Light is an ideal communication agent: because the energy of the photon is normally much higher than the average temperature of the environment, it can propagate many miles without losing the information it carries. Therefore, no […]

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Closed loop reservoir management for carbon storage

The project’s aims are to conduct research on geological carbon storage from the perspective of dynamic analysis and process systems engineering, looking in particular at the dynamics between the wellhead and the CO2 storage reservoir. The main objective is to achieve closed loop operation and management of the reservoir with respect to CO2 sequestration and […]

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A Robust Control Approach for “Plug-and-Play” Integration of Distributed and Renewable Generation

Driven by economic, technical and environmental reasons, the interest in distributed and renewable generation (DG) is increasing without signs of slowing down.Large-scale integration of DG units, storage and electronic control devices will be of significant impact on the structure, performance and operation practices of future energy systems. Dynamic interactions between DG units, system control device […]

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Measuring emission rates of organic compounds from building material

An increased VOC emission from coatings (paints, varnishes, glue, resins) allows faster curing of the coating and stabilization of the emissions resulting in less residual VOC that can be emitted from the material in the future. Hence, it is desirable to emit the majority of the VOCs quickly so that once the building is in […]

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Friction stir processing of nanostructured metal matrix composites

Friction stir processing has been developed as a method for modifying the microstructure and properties of an alloy. However, no efforts have been made to determine how the formation of amorphous phases can be promoted during friction stir processing, or whether a composite involving an amorphous or nanocrystalline matrix and carbon nanotubes can be synthesized.  […]

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Structure and Function of a Ribonucleoprotein Particle

The Kothe research group studies the structure and function of small ribonucleoproteins which are involved in ribosome biogenesis, in particular in modification of ribosomal RNA, with the aim of better understanding how the cell assembles large RNAprotein complexes such as the ribosome. My basic research investigates the mechanism of the early stages in ribosome biogenesis […]

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Partial differential equations for seismic imaging.

The goal of the project is to implement specific numerical algorithms for rendering high resolution seismic images, using a parallel processing framework. Seismic imaging is the standard technology used for creating accurate images of the earth’s subsurface, which is applied to the commercial exploration of oil and gas resources, monitoring carbon dioxide sequestering sites, and […]

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Vibration Assisted Nano Mechanical Machining through Atomic Force Microscope

The objectives of this proposed research are the development of a piezoelectric actuator system to assist nano machining by minimizing forces and the generation of nano-patterns to achieve the desired surface characteristics. The objectives shape the comprehensive technologies required to achieve flexibility, productivity and accuracy in manufacturing miniature systems through a judicious combination of experimental […]

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Design and Construction of Gust Simulator for Wind-Turbine Testing

Advancements in wind-turbine design are currently limited by the unsteady, gust-induced structural loadings incurred on blades. By studying how animals swim and fly in unsteady environments, improvements to wind-turbine gust performance can be achieved. Such biomimetic research takes advantage of millions of years of evolutionary optimization. One elegant example is found in the efficient flapping […]

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An intelligent multi-modal decision support system for automatic diagnosis of active tuberculosis.

  Automation of medical diagnosis/detection process is very important in terms of enhancing diagnostic accuracy, increasing throughput, reducing cost, and training new staff. In this project we are interested to investigate the usage of intelligent decision support techniques to automate the diagnosis/detection process of active tuberculosis. Smart tools for medical applications have high importance and […]

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Embracing 2030: Muslim Community Strategies and Priorities for the Future

Various waves of immigration have altered the profiles of Muslim communities in Alberta demanding a need for better data and information for both short and long term planning of services and infrastructure.  This need poses challenges not only to individual civil society organizations, but also to cross-organization coalitions seeking to build common ground upon which […]

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