Lab-on-a-chip Nanosensor for Vitamin Detection

Vitamin deficiencies are one of the key reasons for infant deaths and a variety of diseases for adults including breast cancer, prostate and cervical cancer, rickets, schizophrenic depression, etc. An invention of a low-cost Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) microfluidic platform for the detection of Vitamin D and Vitamin A would be an answer for the potential multi-billion […]

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Use of Air Entrained Concrete in Non-Freeze Thaw Environments Exposed to Chlorides

This internship is in partnership with ISIS Canada. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard A23.1 requires air entrainment in concrete subjected to chlorides, not only for freeze-thaw environments but also for non‐freeze-thaw environments. Air entrainment presents some challenges in finishing of power trowelled surfaces, for example parking decks. Depending on the timing and amount of […]

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Automatic non-invasive detection of diseases of birds using Infrared Thermography

Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN) is a unique effort in Alberta which provides diagnostic pathology and disease investigation support to veterinary practitioners to detect and respond to animal health issues that may affect public health, food safety, or market access that serves the mutual benefits of veterinarians, industry and government. Latest research reveals that Infrared […]

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Identification of Liquid Mixture using RF Pulses

This project involves the development of a prototype circuit that determines the ratio of glycol to water in an aircraft deicing fluid mixture. The prototype circuit consists of a wave guide probe that is submerged into a fluid mixture and a transceiver that transmits and receives ultra-short pulse signals. As different ratios of glycol to […]

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Structural Health and Wear Monitoring in Large-Diameter Rubber Mining Hoses

Mining products are frequently transported as slurries, which causes considerable wear within pipes. Large rubber mining hoses were found to have excellent wear properties. However, these hoses are still subject to wear, and wear monitoring is thus required. Unfortunately, systems currently available for this purpose have shortcomings. An improved rubber hose design with wear monitoring […]

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Complex Sensor Networks

Autonomous surveillance based on unmanned robotic network is in demand in search & rescue in hazardous environments and for continuous remote monitoring. For autonomous robotic surveillance, the robots should be able to gather information and analyze patterns in object behavior. Effective surveillance rests in detecting point and pattern changes normal behavior and thereby assessing the […]

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Converted-wave reverse-time migration.

There are two fundamental wave modes that travel through the earth p‐waves and s‐waves. Currently most seismic exploration uses p-waves only. P‐waves convert into s‐waves at a discontinuity of the material parameters of the earth and are called converted waves. Converted waves offer the ability to detect fractures in the earth which are linked to […]

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Development of an agent-based model to assess the industry-induced impacts on woodland caribou habitat selection and use in Alberta.

The objective of this project is to develop a computational simulation model designed to determine how the resource-extraction industries of oil, gas and forestry influence woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) habitat selection and use in west central Alberta. Specifically, an agent-based model will simulate caribou as individual agents that 1) are capable of making trade-off decisions […]

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Development of Zn, Co, Ni, As, Sb and Free Cyanide Speciation Protocol Using Capillary Electrophoresis For Cyanidation Processes

The recovery of gold from its ores normally involves a leaching process with cyanide, resulting in the formation of gold cyanide along with a range of other metallocyanides from the crude ore. Therefore, monitoring of the different cyanide species at various stages of the process and in waste solutions is crucial for providing the optimal […]

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Software Tools for the Compression of Sets of Satellite Images

In conjunction with Iunctus Geomatics Corp, we propose to develop a storage system for collected satellite image sets. The properties of typical sets of satellite images will be used to reduce the overall storage requirement for the image sets. This is expected to lead to reduced hardware requirement for storage, as well as a reduction […]

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Global and Local Stress Analysis of Coke Drum by New Temperature-dependent Elastoplastic Constitutive Material Model

Coke drums are major petroleum refinery and oil sands upgrading facilities associated with the processing of oil sands bitumen. The service lives of current coke drums are limited and frequent repairing is required due to severe cyclic thermal-mechanical load experienced. The objective of this project is to find root causes causing the damage/failure through more […]

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