IoT based Image Processing Analytics and Network Connectivity for Automated Drone Surveillance

Unmanned Arial Surveillance is rapidly gaining acceptance for various applications, such as monitoring of long power transmission lines, pipelines and mass transit systems that extend for hundreds of kilometers. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) such as drones provide the flexibility to reduce costs. In the case of natural disaster occurrence such as earthquake, flood or hurricane, […]

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An improved pipeline for processing and analysis of facial surface images in medicine

This Mitacs proposal tackles several outstanding issues that must be addressed to complete development of a widely applicable pipeline for quantitative analysis of 3D facial shape in medicine. Here, we focus on specific applications of imaging pipelines in genetic syndrome diagnosis and facial surgery visualization and planning. The fellows will develop (a) cutting edge, deep […]

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Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis for Production of Synthetic Jet Fuel

Greenfield Global is developing a process to produce jet fuel from renewable materials, such as waste biomass and organic municipal waste. Fischer–Tropsch synthesis converts a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (synthesis gas) that was produced from the waste biomass and organic municipal waste into a synthetic crude oil that can be refined to produce […]

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Supporting Canadian families: A national review of the F&ST program

Family Service Canada (FSC) is a Canadian nonprofit organization dedicated to building healthy families. One program delivered by FSC, called Family & Schools Together, has been shown to help families become more involved in their children’s education and support student’s learning but it has not yet been researched in Canada. To find out if this […]

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Land capability modeling for the Canadian prairies towards ecosystem services offset protocols

Humanity faces the triple challenge of stabilizing climate, ensuring food security, and safeguarding nature. Innovative approaches for climate- and biodiversity-friendly agriculture capable of sustaining resilient production landscapes are urgently needed. Carbon markets offer a platform for market-driven solutions that incentivize soil carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions. Canada employs a cap-and-trade scheme for domestic carbon credit […]

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Synthesis and Development of Low-Cost and High-Quality Graphene Nanostructures

Graphene is the thinnest, lightest, strongest, and a highly conductive material discovered to date, which makes it attractive for diverse applications, ranging from energy storage devices, electronics and automotive to construction. Despite the unique properties of graphene and its potential application in various industries, the widespread application of graphene is still limited due to the […]

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Use of Nanocellulose for Treating Fines Dominated Oil Sand Tailings Deposits

Reclamation of oil sands fluid fine tailings (FFT) ponds is challenging due to the slow rate of natural consolidation of the suspended sediments generated during the extraction process. In order to reclaim tailings ponds, the shear strength of the sediments must first be increased to make the surface trafficable, at which point further reclamation work […]

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Investigation of the liquefaction potential for variably unsaturated tailings

As base and precious metals and natural resources for energy are extracted, mining operators construct tailings dams above ground to hold the liquid or “slurried” waste generated from mining activities. Several high-profile dam failures, including Mount Polley in Canada, highlight the potential risks of tailings dams to human life and the environment. The proposed research […]

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Control Scheme for Smart Combiner in Large-Scale Solar Farms

The smart combiner is a new device which can help increase the energy yield of large solar farms. However, its control system needs to be well designed. This project aims at developing a new control scheme to best utilize the ability of smart combiners, increasing energy yield while ensuring control accuracy and good dynamics. To […]

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Clinical translation of carbohydrate nanomedicines for gene therapy

Nowadays, we are facing a lifetime risk to acquire cancer. Gene therapy has emerged as a promising and alternative approach for the treatment of several types of cancers as compared to chemo/radio therapy. For introducing these genes into the human body, a vehicle is necessary to protect them from degradation in the physiological environment and […]

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Optimization of Oat Beverage Process Conditions for Nutrients Recovery

The demand for plant-based beverages by consumers continue to increase due to their sustainability and health benefits. Oat is one of the most promising cereals and seeds to prepare functional plant-based beverage since oat has high amount of dietary fibres and good quality proteins. Earth’s Own is one of the biggest oat beverage producers in […]

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New electrolyte design for Li-ion batteries based on metal-based anodes

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), as a promising method for energy storage, have been widely used in our daily lives, and the boosting development of electric vehicles and electronic devices requires LIBs with a higher operation voltage. However, their safety problems are always a threat because of the unstable Li salt and flammable organic solvents in the […]

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