Biological sources and the persistence of aerosols generated by variousdental procedures

Dental personnel are high risk professions in contracting and disseminating COVID-19 due to their transmits through respiratory droplets, dental personnel are at high risk of being exposed to the virus if an asymptomatic patient comes to their clinic. However, limited studies have been performed on the characterization of aerosols generated during dental procedures, how far […]

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Evaluating synergism effects of selected plant extract compounds with metal-based antimicrobials for their antibacterial and anti-biofilm potency.

The progression of bacterial antimicrobials resistance (AMR) has led us to an era that urgently requires alternative antimicrobial therapies. Metal-based antimicrobials (MBA) are increasingly seen as part of the solution. Several metals are already extensively used to prevent and treatment of infections. Silver/copper ionizers are presently used to control pathogens in Canadian hospital water distributions […]

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Dissolvable Glass Technology

The goal of the Dissolvable Glass Technology research project is to develop new glass technologies and products to reduce the cost and environmental impact in the utility, forestry, and oil and gas sectors. It has been said that we are ‘entering the age of glass’, and we aim to explore the numerous and varied possibilities […]

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Development of COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Test

The current workflow for COVID-19 testing is overwhelmed for many reasons including the need for time-consuming sample preparation, the limited availability of test reagent, and the length of time it takes to complete the test process (approximately 3 hours). As the test-and-trace approach is critical to containing the spread of this virus, rapid diagnostics are […]

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Revision of Socio-Spatial Conceptions for Designing Public Spaces and Built Environments in Post Pandemic Alberta

This design research project explores existing and ongoing perspectives on (post) pandemic conceptions in built environment settings in Alberta, from an architectural design perspective. The results will add to the scholarly research on sustainable design of “public spaces” to support (post) COVID-19 period health concerns and recommendations, thereby contributing to the development of healthier design […]

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An IoT Hot Cold Sensation Device

This project is to research and develop a portable hot-cold sensation diagnostic device which will be used to test and record the degree of hot and cold sensation on patient’s limbs. Traditional method uses test tubes filled with warm water or cracked ice and water for testing. Temperature less than 5oC and greater than 45oC […]

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Evaluation of the mechanical properties of the bone-implant interface in dental implants

Skin-penetrating bone-anchored implants are used in a variety of applications to provide tremendous functional benefits to patients. Globally, the dental implant industry has been valued at 5.08 billion USD where implants are used for replacing single teeth, for larger prostheses, and for full dental arches. The success of these implants relies on a structural integration […]

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Alberta Soil Carbon Characterization Project

Croplands are labeled as “climate change mitigators” given their ability to trap carbon dioxide (CO2) as soil organic matter (SOM). SOM is a complex mixture of compounds, primarily carbon (C), derived from plant litter’s decomposition. Healthy soils are now part of “verified C markets”, which are corporate programs in which enrolled farmers receive money for […]

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The Black Equity in Alberta Rainforest (The B.E.A.R)

Anti-Black racism presents a major barrier in the social participation of African Caribbean Black (ACB) Canadians in civic leadership, arts and culture, and employment, as well as barriers to justice as negative relationships are created between communities and criminal justice systems. Resulting barriers and negative relationships are structural drivers of health inequity. In response, the […]

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Enhanced bitumen recovery from thin and low quality oil sands formations

Alberta’s oil sands are one of the world’s largest known hydrocarbon deposits. Currently, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) is the commercial recovery method of choice. This requires large amounts of steam to be injected into the oil sands reservoirs, resulting in steam loss to the overburden. Companies continue to expand operations with new pad development. […]

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Mass transfer mechanisms in solvent bitumen recovery processes

If the development of oil sands is to continue, improved environmentally friendly processes with minimal footprint have to be implemented. Thus steam will either have to be faced out or it will have to be augmented by chemicals such as solvents. The major drawback of solvent is the perceived low mass transfer rates. However, if […]

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