Assessing risky driving among Alberta teenagers: A developmental- and context-sensitive approach

Motor vehicle-involved accident is the leading cause of death among teenagers around the world. Death and injuries due to motor vehicle accidents among young drivers brings tremendous societal burden and economic cost to the Canadian society. To better address this major public health concern, better assessment tools are required to evaluate potential risky driving among […]

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Advanced AI for Demand Forecast in Fashion and Apparel Retailing

The ultimate objective of the project is to develop an AI-based framework addressing the forecasting needs of a typical fashion and apparel retailer. The project activities involve development of models predicting demand for particular fashion and apparel items in the context of different customer groups, as well as techniques for identifying fashion trends. The developed […]

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Geological and Geochemical Controls on the Source of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in the Early Triassic Montney Tight Gas Reservoir, Northeast British Columbia, Canada

The Montney Formation in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) is a productive low permeability natural gas reservoir. Alongside natural gas, it contains high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, which is both economically and environmentally detrimental to the exploration and production of natural gas from the reservoir. This research proposal aims to examine the […]

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Brazing Metallurgies and Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles – Year two

A two-year study on brazing technologies used for sintered tungsten carbide tiles is proposed to address the following technical objectives: 1) brazing metallurgy for sintered tungsten carbide and substrate high strength steel, 2) adherence mechanisms between different braze compositions and carbide tiles, 3) brazing parameters for optimized brazed joint performance, and 4) the mechanical stresses […]

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Slice Finder: Application to Stress Testing

The project aims to use state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to perform model validation. In particular, the intern will validate outcomes from risk assessment models for loan portfolios. The results will be employed to further the efficiency of ATB’s internal stress testing models. The benefit for ATB financial will be the possibility to detect subsamples for […]

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Gulo Gulo Vision-based navigation for autonomous vehicles

The Gulo Gulo project objective is to improve the navigation algorithm utilized by the onboard motion sensors of AV/CVs to achieve positioning accuracy of less than 1% of the distance travelled with standalone INS solutions. The standalone solution will be aided with visions sensors (camera, LIDAR and RADAR) in addition to integrated system fusion with […]

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Sustainable and Reusable Face Masks for Combating the Spread of COVID-19

This project seeks to develop a novel, sustainable, self-sanitizing face masks for purpose of providing more robust solutions and mitigate the health risks for the front line workers and general public during this, as well as any future pandemics. This is accomplished by design of novel filters composing of cellulose derived nanofibrils and electrochemically exfoliated […]

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Discovery of ligands for disrupting the SARS-CoV-2 interactome with human proteins using multipronged genetically encoded technologies

The proposed project will accelerate the drug development capabilities of 48Hour Discovery INC (48HD) to find high affinity drug candidates for treatment of COVID. The deliverable for this project will be high potential new drug candidates from 48HD’s drug discovery pipeline for COVID and other targets using unique molecular libraries of 48HD. The libraries are […]

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Intelligent Production Optimization in Real-Time by Implementing Hybrid Data-Physics Simulation

In day to day operations, oil producers need to optimize their production workflow to reduce operational costs. Building a physics-based reservoir model is costly and time-consuming and is not suitable to generate and compare many scenarios. The alternative procedure, Data-Driven Model, is fast enough; however, testing and validating the model is controversial. In this project, […]

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A Toolkit for Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014 Synthesis Report states that “substantial [greenhouse gas] emissions reductions over the next few decades can reduce climate risks in the 21st century and beyond, increase prospects for effective adaptation, reduce the costs and challenges of mitigation in the longer term, and contribute to climate-resilient pathways for sustainable […]

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Automatic Mapping of Residential Rooftops using High-Resolution Thermal Imagery and Machine Learning

MyHEAT Inc. (industry partner) provides on-line tools/services to reduce urban waste energy. Currently, the company relies on sourced municipal, private, or publicly available GIS roof polygons which it combines with its proprietary high-resolution (H-Res) airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery to generate personalized rooftop heat-loss maps/metrics. Unfortunately, these GIS polygons are often incomplete, inaccurate and out-of-date. […]

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