Impact of oil and gas activities on shallow aquifers in the Fox Creek area

In this project, in order to analyze aerial deposition of contaminants resulting from oil and gas activities in west-central Alberta, samples of snowpack will be collected from the Fox Creek area for chemical analysis. Using the chemical analyses results, a map of the contaminants deposition and their potential sources of release will be delineated. The […]

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Development of polymer bonded / sintered permanent magnets for a wearable NMR sensor

SYNEX Medical, a Toronto based biotechnology startup has developed a non-invasive biomarker technology that comes in the form of a wearable ring enabling users to track concentration of different biomarkers in their blood. The device employs Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology to determine the concentration of different biomarkers. One fundamental instrumentation for this NMR based […]

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Extraction, chemical analysis, and formulation development of potential anti-viral plant isolates against SARS-CoV-2

The COVID-19 pandemic has had broad global ramifications and preventative strategies and treatments for the virus are crucial. PBG BioPharma has developed two plant-based isolates, PBG-005 & PBG-007, that have shown innate immunological properties, potentially usable in the treatment or prevention of multi-viral infections. This research proposes leveraging PBG-005 & PGB-007, as well as PBG’s […]

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Plant oil based resins for hemp biocomposite materials

Plant oils are attractive renewable feedstocks for the synthesis of biobased resins. However, the current bioresin technologies are unable to address certain challenges including (1) achieving a sufficiently high biocontent in the final product, (2) the synthesis of bioresins via green chemistry, and (3) a commercially feasible bioresin cost. In this research, the MITACS intern […]

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Semantic Search and Visualisation using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

This project tackles the issue of knowledge incompleteness and lack of domain coverage in resume and job posting matching caused by the exploitation of domain-general resources. A variety of co-operative semantic/ontological resources will be used to filter out irrelevant resumes. A two-way (candidate to job and job to candidate) semantic-based automatic suitability ranking is proposed. […]

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A Principled Approach to Developing Machine Learning Models for the Synthesis of Structured Health Data

Under the current pandemic of Covid-19, sharing health record data has tremendous benefits to control the spread of the infection and save lives globally. In medical research and discovery, Electronic medical records (EMRs) play the essential role for medical discovery in two categories, namely 1) cross-sectional study and 2) longitudinal study. Cross-sectional study compares different […]

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Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) from brine solution using electrochemical method

The demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is on the rise, mainly due to increased interest in portable devices, electric vehicles and grid-storage applications. The key component in such rechargeable batteries is lithium, which is trivial from the name itself as well, as lithium-ions shuttle back and forth during charging/discharging process. Consequently, lithium production demand has […]

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Modelling beneficial management practices in agriculture to analyze effects on greenhouse gas emissions and environmental sustainability

Agriculture emit greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In this project, we will look for best management practices to decrease these emissions. To accomplish this, we will review the literature to learn what have been done before, and what best management practices work well for decreasing greenhouse gases emissions. We will also use an existing software […]

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Respiratory Health System and Pandemic Early Warning System

The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost ventilation system which accurately detects and records both patient treatment data and environmental data is in great need. Further, such a system will allow to create a global health map. This research and resulting hardware and software will not only benefit the current research of […]

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The Fluid Dynamics of Flow Control Devices

As increasing international competition and environmental pressures, Canadian oil sands producers must develop new technologies to more competitively deliver their product to market that have lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Flow Control Devices (FCDs) are one such technology. These devices are placed in the injection and production wells and enable more efficient access to the […]

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Silicon Quantum Dot Trace Explosive Sensor – Year two

The rapid detection of high energy materials (i.e., explosives) and chemical, biological and radioactive (CBR) agents have received substantial attention because of its obvious importance to security and forensics. Applied Quantum Materials Inc. (AQM) is developing a straightforward luminescent quantum dot paper- and/or cloth-based detection system that shows instantaneous optical detection of nitro-based explosives in […]

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