Engineered Polymers for siRNA Therapy of COVID-19

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has emerged as a major threat to life on earth. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The excessive reaction displayed by immune system against this virus is damaging particularly to lungs, resulting in rapid lung failure and loss of life. We propose […]

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Ex-vivo Device for Screening the Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines and Producing Antibodies

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the health of the global population. Although timely detection and isolation are important, vaccination is probably more effective in fighting against COVID-19. Our proposed ex-vivo can help the validation of the COVID-19 vaccine and produce antibodies for COVID-19. The benefit to the Canadian community and the industry partner is palpable.

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Investigation into molecular mechanism of CRV431, a cyclophilin inhibitor, for anti-fibrotic and anti-oncogenic potential in various animal models

Various liver disorders such as fatty liver, liver fibrosis, liver failure and liver cancer, are major healthcare burden and associated with high rate of mortality. Once fatty liver or fibrosis progress to cirrhosis or liver failure, its treatment is challenging due to lack of an effective treatment. Currently available treatment for liver cancer is few […]

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Energy Optimization Design Tool for Data-driven Building Massing

This project enhances the impact of a basic tool for early stage design decisions such as orientation,and building envelope composition on energy performance of the building. The proposed project adds the capabilities of the basic tool to drive, not only decisions regarding the design articulation of the building envelope, but also the design of the […]

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Total Versus Bioaccessible Soil Sterilants (Bromacil and Tebuthiuron)

Bioaccessibility of soil sterilants is a limitation in management of sterilant-impacted sites. The term ‘bioaccessibility’ means: what is immediately available, plus that which may become available. Studies have been conducted to examine the bioaccessible fraction of various soil sterilants after different aging periods; however, studies have not been conducted in Alberta. Immobilization technologies such as […]

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Catalytic Heavy Oil Upgrading Using Natural Gas

The proposed project aims at developing new catalytic processes and corresponding catalysts for heavy oil upgrading with the assistance of natural gas. Compared with traditional hydrotreating processes, these new processes provide alternative ways for heavy oil and natural gas utilization, which are economically and environmentally favorable in terms of higher profit margin, lower operating cost, […]

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Interaction between dietary fiber fermentation kinetics and consequences for protein and mineral metabolism in growing pigs

Feed formulation is based on ingredient digestibility data, and the assumption of additivity. However, digestibility data generally do not account for interactions among nutrients or ingredients. An enhanced understanding of protein and fiber digestion rates and extent of their fermentation between feedstuffs would help to optimize feed formulation. Furthermore, macro-minerals, including phosphorus, copper and zinc, […]

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Reliability evaluation of strain-based design for pipelines using probabilistic demand/capacity models

Ground movement can impose excessive deformation violating pertinent pipeline limit states. Currently, the integrity assessment of pipelines subjected to soil movement is generally performed by analyzing the stresses and/or strains in pipelines using various engineering techniques, including finite element analysis (FEA). However, given the wide variability of the pipe and soil engineering properties, using deterministic […]

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Obstacles and Opportunities in Improving Social Service Intake Referral Processes

When people seek help from a social service, the assistance they need may be best provided by another service in the community. In these cases, they should be referred to the appropriate service. At this stage, things sometimes go wrong: Sometimes the service agent misunderstands the person’s needs or misunderstands the kind of help provided […]

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Changes in the impact attenuation performance of field-used hockey helmets over time

A hockey helmet should be capable of protecting the user over the helmet’s intended life span. There is currently little evidence quantifying the changes in the impact attenuation performance of field-used hockey helmets over time. This study will collect a large sample of field-used hockey helmets from the hockey community for impact testing. The sample […]

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A Step Towards a Lower Carbon Future: Integrating Closed Loop Geothermal Technology in District Cooling Applications

This research aims to provide an affordable, clean energy alternative to meet the world’s cooling demands. As global warming, urbanization, and society’s dependency on digital storage increases, the world’s cooling demands continue to rapidly grow with predictions showing that they will outweigh heating demands by 2060. The majority of these demands are currently being met […]

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