Applying Data Science and Machine Learning Techniques to Canadian Oil and Gas Extractions

Alberta’s Oil and Gas (O&G) sector plays a critical role in Canada meeting its commitment to the Paris Climate Change Agreement. However, few studies published the actual operation data for extraction operations (schemes), especially fuel consumption data to accurately project greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for development and expansion of O&G projects. In this study, we […]

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Pattern Recognition in an Internet of Personal Health (IoPH) Platform

Providing meaningful health and wellness information is important in order to sustain an effective healthcare system in a society. In the last decade, manufacturers have launched a wide range of health monitoring devices. However, these devices provide mainly numbers, e.g. steps and heart beats, without reporting health conditions. Salu Design aims to transform a simple […]

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Validation of a weighted wearable training system for hockey skating

ROKET GEAR is a Canadian start-up that has developed a wearable training system for hockey skating. The system consists of adding weights strategically placed on the leg so that skaters can actually strength train while skating. As a result, the training system allows athletes to increase their effort during skating and to build strength in […]

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Mine Revegetation in the Yukon

The mining industry is one of the leading sectors of the Yukon economy. Mining companies are committed to restoring the land affected by mining activities to meet closure plan requirements. Revegetation of impacted sites is a challenge all mining companies face in sub-arctic regions because: 1- Lack of knowledge regarding which plants to use for […]

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Helping Servus Members Reach Financial Goals via Transfer Learning

In this self-contained project we will investigate how machine learning can be applied to help provide personalized financial advice. Machine learning is a term that designates types of artificial intelligence that rely on learning behaviors from data or experience. Specifically, the goal of this work is to apply machine learning to Servus Credit Union’s Noble […]

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Identification of Key Microbes from Spontaneous Beer to Improve Mixed Fermentations

Sour beers, traditionally made via spontaneous fermentation, are growing in popularity; particularly examples produced using the modern technique of mixed fermentation. These mixed fermentation beers present unique challenges during production. We hypothesize that by examining traditional process spontaneously fermented beer, we can identify new methods and strategies for improving the quality of mixed fermentation beers. […]

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AI in Ophthalmology triage automation

There are currently 18 retina specialists in the province of Alberta, approximately half in Calgary and half in Edmonton. Retinal diseases are common. For example, approximately 6.5 percent of people age 40 and older have some degree of macular degeneration. Diabetes retinopathy affects approximately 500,000 Canadians. Many retinal conditions are treatable when detected early, however […]

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Hardware and Software Integration for Automated Drone Surveillance

Unmanned Arial Surveillance is rapidly gaining acceptance for various applications, such as monitoring of long power transmission lines, pipelines and mass transit systems that extend for hundreds of kilometers. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) such as drones provide the flexibility to reduce costs. In the case of natural disaster occurrence such as earthquake, flood or hurricane, […]

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Monitoring Vital Signs and Location for COVID-19 detection

COVID-19 has already infected more than 2.8 million people with close to 200 thousand death globally (as at 2020 April 25), while it is continuously spreading. Before a vaccine is discovered, the only way to slow down the spread and reduce the number of death is testing. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that someone recovered […]

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Improving Resource Estimation with Machine Learning

The proposed project aims to improve the prediction of mineral resources for better decision making throughout a mining project, that is, to decide whether to reject or to process extracted material using machine learning algorithms. This will help maximize profit for mining companies while minimizing environmental impact as the correct material will be processed more […]

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A combined fluid dynamic and strain analysis approach for non-invasive estimate of local aortic wall properties and aortic wall strength mapping

Aortic aneurysms are the result of a complex process that culminates in an irreversible loss of structural integrity of the aortic wall with consequent weakening and dilatation associated with rupture risk and high mortality. Clinicians have expressed strong interest in information that would help them determine the actual structural integrity of the vessel and guide […]

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Analysis, design, and implementation of a recommendation engine to suggest charities

The goal of this research is to investigate and build a recommendation system that suggests charities to users based on their previous donations. One of the first successful recommendation systems was Amazon’s “Customers who bought this, also bought…”. This recommendation system focuses mainly on making it easier for users to find relevant information and increasing […]

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