A Multi-Case Study to Advancing Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Performance Management Strategies

The role of accountants, especially in today’s fast changing data-driven world, is continually evolving. Responding to the technological advancements as well as to the increasing amounts and complexity of data available, accountants need to develop skills that go beyond their traditional training. Businesses and their accounting departments need to be able to not only collect […]

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Prototyping and testing of novel facemasks for protection against SARS-CoV-2 aerosol transmission

The proposed research project to be undertaken by the interns involves laboratory measurement of the filtration efficiency and pressure drop of fabric-based filtration media. Results of these experiments will inform the selection of filtration media used by the partner organization for mass production of made-in-Alberta masks for protection of the public against viral transmission. Such […]

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Development of compact and portable vibrometer for microfluidics cantilevers for blood diagnostics

In this project, we are looking to find a way to design a low-cost vibration measurement equipment that is portable, sensitive and affordable by medical staff. Therefore, to develop it, three different modules would be designed: sensitive optics, miniaturized optics; low-noise and high-speed electronics, using extremely sensitive electronics components; compact and lightweight housing, by utilizing […]

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Test-taker perceptions of an occupation-specific language proficiency test: Evaluating workforce access for internationally educated nurses in Canada

The objective of this research project is to study the perceptions of internationally educated nurses who are taking a language proficiency test, the Canadian English Language Benchmarks Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) in order to practice nursing in Canada. Since effective communication is critical to quality healthcare, the CELBAN has an important role in evaluating the […]

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Producing LiOH from low-lithium bearing brines

Lithium products are projected to be among the most sought-after chemicals in the next decade due to the increasing use of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles. To meet the demand for such products and because of increase in Li products price, unconventional resources such as Li-bearing oilfield brines have been touted as a new source […]

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Portable Low-cost Fast Impedance-based Point-of-care Diagnostic Device for COVID-19

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the world. Nucleic acid, CT, and fever tests are standard tests, but they suffer from various limitations. For instance, CT requires large & expensive equipment. The nucleic acid test is not portable and takes at least two days. As sensor technologies get more advanced, a portable, low-cost and fast diagnosis COVID-19 […]

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Development of Green Ceramic formulations, testing and manufacturing process from Alberta oil sands tailings – part 2

Occupying the large tailings ponds is the most significant environmental issue for oil sand conventional extraction process. Making Green Ceramic/building materials is the most promising method to reduce the size of tailings ponds. This not only leads to consumption of tailings but also results in valuable products for the construction industries. The main objectives of […]

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Portable Colorectal Screening Colorimetric Metabolite Biosensor

This project involves designing a portable biosensor that measures the concentration of multiple metabolites in a person’s urine. The device measures the colour of the urine after reacting with the developed reactions to get metabolite concentrations. These concentrations are input to an algorithm to get a diagnosis. The first test will screen for colorectal cancer. […]

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Development of Technologies for Treatment and Management of OTSG and Evaporator Blowdown Wastes from Oil Sands Operations

The steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) is the most commonly employed process for extraction of oil or bitumen from oil sands reservoirs. This process involves injection of large quantity of steam into the oil reservoir. The injected steam is further recovered as produced water which constitutes high concentrations of hydrocarbons and mineral salts. Due to […]

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Exploring the modern possibilities of AI Directors

Games have often used the concept of using an AI to direct gameplay in a way that would be more enjoyable by players in the game. This has most often been targeted at dynamically adjusting the difficulty of encounters so that players will be more successful when playing through a game. However, the general concept […]

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