Artificial Cognition about Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle

My research topic is on the driver behaviors prediction for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UAV) in the complex driving environment. The driver behaviors include lane changing, car following, acceleration, deceleration, etc. The work in this project will focus on establishing two models about lane changing prediction in the high way and the driver behavior prediction in […]

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An assessment of women’s abortion experiences in Istanbul, Turkey.

This research project investigates the experiences of women accessing abortions in Istanbul, Turkey. I will conduct interviews with approximately 40 women about their abortion experiences and their experiences with family planning and other reproductive services. I will also interview relevant figures in Istanbul who can speak about the quality of reproductive healthcare in Istanbul, including […]

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Model Development and Experimental Investigation of Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Materials for H2 Production and Scale-up Design Considerations.

Hydrogen (H2) is produced from renewable energy using a solar-driven hybrid photoelectrochemical (PEC) reactor. This project aims to develop the theoretical model of a scale-up process for practical applications requiring higher H2 yields. The basis for the scaleup system design is an experimental reactor comprising PEC and chloralkali electrolysis processes that has been designed, built, […]

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Spatial Optimization Modelling for China’s County-level Land Use Planning

Considering the research gap that there lack quantitative models and advanced techniques to solve the land spatial allocation problem in China’s county-level, my PhD project aims at developing spatial optimization models to assist land spatial allocation that reconciles the market value, social value and ecological value of land, land utilization zoning and boundary setting in […]

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Experimental research on the synthesis of metallic glass by means of magnetron sputtering and cold rolling

As a major field of science, materials behavior plays vital role in engineering applications and various industries. Many researchers are investigating the properties of different materials to propose better and more reliable materials for different applications. Bulk metallic glasses are one of the most recent developments in material science. The aim of this research is […]

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First-principle study on effects of electric field on perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy

The physical properties of materials not only depend on the chemical composition but also their microstructure. The properties and their relationship with the composition and microstructure were mainly studied by experiments and try-and-error method before. With the combination of physical principles and computers, now people may study the properties of materials through computer simulation. First-principle […]

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Methods and Practices for Designing EOSID (Engine OutStandard Instrument Departure) in Terrain Airport

In China, there are several airports located in high altitude, mountainous and highly populated cities with many high-rise buildings and man-made obstacles nearby. In order to comply with flight safety regulations, civil aircraft must takeoff and climb-out under the requirements of relevant certification regulations (FAR25, CS25, CCAR25, etc.) and operation regulations (FAR121, JAA-OPS, CCAR121, etc.). […]

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Catalytic low cost carbon resources pyrolysis under natural gas for upgraded oil production

Fast pyrolysis followed by hydrodeoxygenation upgrading is the most popular way to produce bio-oil from biomass. A two-step process can be combined together as hydropyrolysis treatment. This approach usually involves continuous hydrogen flow and high operation pressure (15~100 atm), resulting in significantly increased capital and operational costs. Compared to hydrogen, which is not naturally available […]

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The role of miRNA in the normal development of the brain and neuropathies

Proper brain development is required for normal cognitive functions in mammals. Recent studies have shown that both protein-coding genes and noncoding RNAs, especially microRNAs (miRNAs), play crucial roles in brain development. We have identified several miRNAs that are expressed in specific regions in the embryonic and adult mouse cerebral cortex, and demonstrated their important roles […]

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