Combustion at microscales

Objectives: The proposed research program aims at studying the generation and propagation of unsteady compressible flow phenomena, with chemical heat release, at millimeter and sub-millimeter scales. Based on these findings, a number of biomedical and aerospace applications will be pursued in the area of high-power density microsystems. Scientific approach: Our approach is based on the […]

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The duty to vote

From a purely utilitarian perspective, voting does not appear to be a ‘rational’ choice in a large electorate election if there is some opportunity cost in going to the polls, given the extremely low probability that one’s decision will be pivotal (Owen and Grofman 1984; Mueller 2003). Yet most people vote, which is known as […]

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Dynamics and Control of Quadrotor Vehicles

Research and development of small UAVs have accelerated over the past few years, spurred on by the progress in miniaturization of actuator, sensor and computer control technologies. A number of such UAVs are currently available commercially and many more have been developed by researchers for laboratory studies. The focus of the present project is on […]

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Molecular mechanisms of synapse remodelling

In the CNS the majority of excitatory synapses are formed onto specialized structures known as dendritic spines which can undergo shape changes in the time frame of minutes to days. This inherent structural plasticity of dendritic spines even lasts into adulthood. It is still unclear why certain spines are more likely to be maintained, to […]

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Climate change adaptation policy and practice: country case-study

The project will focus on a case-study of adaptation across scales in a single country (likely the applicant’s country of origin). The project is guided by the following research questions: What does adaptation look like in regions with limited formal and institutional reporting of adaptation action? In these regions, is adaptation absent, or is it […]

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Global Special Interest Group (SIG) on Early Identification and Intervention in Autism

The project title is the Global Special Interest Group (SIG) on Early Identification and Intervention in Autism. Formed in 2012, the aim of this project is to enhance research impact in diverse communities through the iterative and dynamic process of knowledge translation: the synthesis, dissemination, exchange, and application of knowledge to improve quality of life […]

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The politics of state-facilitated gentrification in post-socialist China: ideological domination, consumerism and exclusionary redevelopment

Using the case of Chengdu, this research is about neighbourhood redevelopment and residential relocation in post-reform cities of China. In this project, the key process is defined as state-facilitated, new-build gentrification. The thesis attempts to understand why politicaleconomic actors initiate gentrification in the inner city, how consensus building is achieved, conflicts are mediated, and what […]

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Strengthen Your Health: Interdisciplinary Intervention Program for Promoting an Active and Healthy Lifestyle Among Students

There are a number of factors that can impact ones level of physical activity. Interpersonal, intrapersonal, and environmental factors are all important when looking at how active or sedentary an individual can be. For schoolchildren, it is important to promote active behaviors that will lead to a healthy lifestyle. By creating a tool to identify […]

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wearable electric field sensor

The project focuses on the design and development of a wearable electric field sensor. Mathematical simulation, mechanical design, optical system built-up and signal processing will be involved. The project will be conducted in the Laboratory of Ultra High Precision Mechatronics at Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing. The student will need to analyze and simulate the relation […]

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Synthesis of camelina biodiesel using heterogeneous catalysts

Currently in North America, biodiesel is mainly produced from vegetable oils such as soybean and canola using a homogenous catalyst, KOH or NaOH. Two associated challenges are: 1) using edible oils as feedstock may impact food and feed supply adversely; 2) a great amount of water is needed to wash off the homogeneous catalysts dissolved […]

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Modelling of Surgical Workflows

Minimally invasive interventions are becoming increasingly common as they improve patient outcomes such as recovery time and infection risk; however, these procedures can be difficult for operators to learn. To improve surgical training efficacy, computer-assisted training, which must provide feedback in the form of instruction and skill evaluation, can be used. The training system must […]

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Biomimetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: A New Quorum Sensing Capturing Agent to Prevent Bacterial Biofilm Formation

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative pathogen that is frequently related to nosocomial infections. The bacterial biofilm controlled by quorum sensing system allows P. aeruginosa to adhere to any surface and protect it from antibacterial treatments, such as antibiotics and heat treatment. The novel invention strategy developed in this project is to inhibit P. aeruginosa biofilm […]

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