Religion in the Media: Canada and Brazil

This project will focus on the following research questions: 1) How do the mainstream media (specifically newspapers) in Canada and Brazil portray and represent majority and minority religions in secular context? 2) Are there key areas of controversy in which such portrayals and representations are focused, and do these differ in the two countries? 3) […]

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Rational design of a red fluorescent protein displaying increased quantum yield

The longer emission wavelengths of red fluorescent proteins (RFPs) make them useful for whole-body imaging because cells are more transparent to red light. However, RFPs are typically less bright than other types of fluorescent proteins that emit at shorter wavelengths due to their lower quantum yields. The goal of this project is to increase the […]

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Video Analytics to Rescue: Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is ubiquitous, which has severe implications for an individual’s privacy and personal freedom. Consequently there is an increasing interest to design video surveillance systems with built-in privacy protections. This is part of the larger “privacy by design” initiative led by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. This project specifically […]

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Augmented Reality (AR) Toys Computing Management

A toy is a product that is intended for use by a child in learning or play. The toy industry is comprised of establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing dolls, toys and games. Referring to the Toy Industry Association in the United States, the sales volume of toys worldwide was $78.1B in 2007, growing by 7% […]

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Highway Runoff Treatment Systems

With the increasing scarcity of water resources throughout the globe, many jurisdictions have turned their attention to the protection, remediation and enhancement of existing freshwater sources. The primary aim of this research will be to develop and assess a novel roadside treatment system which has the capacity to capture, detain, and infiltrate the suite of […]

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Direct analysis of food by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to inductively coupled plama optical emission spectrometry

With the help of a graduate student, develop methods based on electrothermal vaporisation (ETV) coupled to ICP-OES for the direct multi-element analysis of food, with a focus on food items, such as rice-based or soy-based products that may contain significant levels of toxic elements. If there is time, develop a method allowing the direct speciation […]

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Production of Apolipoprotein B Fragments for Structural Analysis

Regulation of the secretion of hepatic very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) can modulate the plasma level of atherogenic apolipoprotein (apo) B-containing lipoproteins. We have shown that sequences within the ?1 domain of apoB are important for lipid recruitment during assembly, irreversible anchoring of apoB to lipoprotein, and degradation when VLDL assembly is inefficient. We hypothesize […]

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Delivering evidence-based health care to children with common health conditions and their families using technology

The MITACS student will join in a large and diverse research group that has developed and disseminated national programs with the use of technology (e.g., computers, internet, smartphones) to treat health problems in children and adolescents, through the following programs: OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS Clinical programs for Disruptive Behavior, Anxiety, and Enuresis: These programs are being delivered […]

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Human Rights, Drug-related Violence and Democracy in Mexico

This project will examine forced disappearances in Mexico in the context of electoral democracy and militarization. According to the United Nations Convention Against Torture, forced or enforced disappearance refers to the involvement of state authorities in the arrest, detention, abduction of people in the form of authorization, support or acquiescence. My work with organizations of […]

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Political Scandal and the evolution of political culture

Precisely what a nation finds scandalous says a great deal about the shared values of the population, and should indicate something about the nature of political culture within that community. The Profumo Affair in Britain, and the sex scandals of a variety of American politicians – from Jefferson’s slave mistress through Anthony Weiner’s most recent […]

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Development of a next-generation biomanufacturing platform for the conversion of greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals

The uncertain price and tight supply of crude oil, and the considerable damage that society’s over-use of oil products has wreaked on the environment have created an urgent need to develop and implement sustainable manufacturing technologies for the production of cleaner fuels. This goal is especially relevant for Canada, whose annual per capita greenhouse gas […]

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Perception and Action interactions (New)

The influence of experience on visually- and haptically-guided grasping. Because the visuomotor system must update information, moment to moment, as the body and the visual world moves, it has been considered to operate ?online,? and its computations are performed without conscious awareness. Some studies however, have shown that reach-to-grasp movements are susceptible to the influence […]

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