Development of (doped-)Graphene for Clean Energy Applications

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 was awarded to two researchers “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the graphene”. Since then, graphene, a new-type and two-dimensional (one-atom-thickness) allotrope of carbon with a planar honeycomb lattice, has become one of the most exciting topics of research due to their remarkable properties including ultra-high surface area (calculated value, […]

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Bio-hybrid material chemistry

A certain number of key challenges exist for the rational design of bio-hybrids, which limit their innovative potential. More specifically: (1) bio-conjugation approaches for grafting synthetic molecules to proteins are limited and can be inefficient; (2) a poor physical-chemical understanding of how synthetic molecules can alter the bio-activity of proteins exists; and methods for controlling […]

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Novel Nanodevices for Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optics

One of the next frontiers of integrated photonics is surely represented by the challenge of extending the use of optical techniques to nanometer length scales, overcoming the limit imposed by diffraction, which does not allow focusing light on dimensions smaller than roughly half a wavelength. Metallic nanostructures have proven to be an efficient way to […]

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Processing of conducting polymers for biologica applications

Organic electroactive materials are used to produce flexible and easily processable electronic devices, such as organic light-emitting diodes, transistors and photovoltaic cells. Alongside these well-established applications, organic electroactive materials have been introduced in bioelectronics, where electronic signals are translated into ionic biosignals and vice versa. Examples of bioelectronic devices are sensors based on organic electrochemical […]

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Biomimetics of a Passively Morphing Wing

Because they seek to maximise their surface and height in order to capture the most sunlight, plants must rely on their flexibility to change form and reduce their drag when subjected to wind. We say that they reconfigure. This behavior is highly interesting for biomimetics because plants rely on passive reconfiguration and lack complex control […]

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Proprioceptive control of a self-adaptive hand prosthesis / Commande proprioceptive d’une prothèse de main adaptative (Nouveau)

Robotic grasping devices are commonly used in many fields to perform tasks in place of humans, such as assembly lines, spatial missions and surgical operations. Moreover, they can be used as prosthetics for amputees. While robotic prosthetics are not currently adequate for reasons of both cost and weight, many groups are working to solve these […]

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Champlain clay micropaleontology and micrography

The Champlain Sea, an inland sea, invaded the Saint Lawrence River valley in Southern Quebec at the end of the last glaciation, from 12 000 to 10 000 years ago. During this marine transgression, thick clay deposits were emplaced in Southern Quebec. The thickness of these Champlain clay deposits can reach 100 m at the […]

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Mutiphysics simulation for inelastic materials

Development and use of compuational methods for the simulation of full coupling between stress solid and pore fluid diffuion in dam embakments. Soils are porous media which behave inelastically under loads. The presence of water and air has a great impact on the stress and strain developments; and overall on the structure safety. Numerical methods […]

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Physical and cognitive ergonomic of aircraft de-icing on ground and in-fligh

The de-icing of aircraft wings is done on ground by specialised technicians highly constrained in time and in-flight by the pilots who activate the de-icing system. Many incidents occurred in the past because of communication problems. Typically, incidents occur when aircrafts collide with workers or de-icing trucks. The aim of the research project is to […]

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Analysis and optimisation of aircraft ice protection system / Analyse et optimisation des systèmes de protection contre le givre pour avion (Nouveau)

An aircraft can fly in icing conditions if it has proper ice protection systems. Often, these systems use heat to remove ice on critical aircraft part, such as anti-icing system using hot bleed air from engines. The design challenge is to use the less energy possible to heat the surface while keeping the aircraft safe […]

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Design and Control of Bio-Inspired Micro-Swimming Robots

This project involves the design and control of micro-scale swimmers inspired by living micro-scale organisms. In 3D, swimming can be executed by several types of motion. At the micro-scale low-Re environment, fluid flows are classified as ‘creep’ or Stokes flows, and thus are speed-independent. To create forward motion, symmetry must be broken in the swimming […]

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3D Printing and Domestic Use

The current discourse around the widespread adoption and particularly domestic use of 3D printing is focused on the notion that this technology will give users access to customized or highly specific objects/parts (which might otherwise be difficult to obtain) when the need arises. The goal of this research will be to examine the validity of […]

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