Chemical modification of biopolymers and cellulose nanocrystals for the development of bioactive films

The proposed project is aligned in the chemical modification of polymers and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) to improve the nanoparticle-polymer interactions and maximize i) the reinforcing effect of nanoparticles (polymer filling) as well as ii) interactions nanoparticles bioactive-agent in the manufacture of bioactive packaging films. Hypothesis: The chemical modification of polymers and CNC optimizes interactions bioactive […]

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An integrated solid state fermentation approach for production of enzymes from agro-wastes / Une approche solide de fermentation à l’état intégré pour la production d’enzymes à partir de déchets agricoles (Nouveau)

One third of the total apple production in Canada (447,035 ton/year) is processed to produce juices, flavours and concentrates and Quebec has 32 % share (2007 statistics) in it. The end result is a solid residue containing high moisture content (70%–75%) and biodegradable organic load (high BOD and COD values). These wastes have low nutritional […]

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Quest Design for Web-based Multiplayer Online Game

In the past, we have developed a chessboard like Web-based Multiplayer Game ( for learning. The game allows teachers to create their own game world maps, NPCs, quests and items. The students can pickup quests from NPCs in vary places. This research project focuses on the design of RPG quests for the chosen disciplines and […]

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Can educational systems help in motivating students?

This undergraduate project is part of a larger project. The aim of this larger project is to design, develop and evaluate a mechanism that identifies motivational preferences of learners and then accommodates these preferences by providing each learner with motivational techniques that best support his/her learning process. The first step towards providing personalization based on […]

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Traffic Flow Optimization

In 2000, road traffic congestion in USA alone caused 3.6 billon vehicle-hours of delay, 21.6 billion liters of wasted fuel, and US$67.5 billion in lost productivity. Yearly estimates on economic, health, and environmental cost of traffic congestion in New Zealand is in excess of NZ$1 billion [Hazelton, 2010]. Traditionally, traffic modelling has concentrated on simulating […]

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Deep learning for natural language text and image analysis

This research project focuses on natural language text and image analysis based on statistical and deep learning techniques, for recognizing semantics or meaningful relations from unstructured big data, for better understanding of the data and serving the users. This project aims to develop a mixed natural language text and image analysis system for an online […]

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Direct georeferencing of unmanned aerial vehicle photography and radar imagery with a low-cost real-time kinematic GPS.

The conventional (indirect) georeferencing of remote sensing imagery requires the use of control points that link known positions in the imagery to known positions in map coordinates. The number of control points depends on the amount of distortion in the imagery, method of transformation and desired level of accuracy, but it is often large. Overall, […]

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Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for high-resolution environmental remote sensing: a soil moisture case study.

Successful research in environmental remote sensing relies on multiple-view approaches to data collection. In multi-stage remote sensing, data are collected at different geographic scales. Low-altitude, high-resolution aerial observations bridge the gap between in situ and satellite-based observations. These can be achieved by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with minimum logistical support and lower operation/maintenance costs than […]

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Rational Design of Advanced Materials

Society is in a constant quest for new advanced materials. Whether it be a material harder than diamond, more conductive than silver, or more insulating than aerogel, new advanced materials feed technological innovation. The classical way to design new materials is through experiments. Experiments are expensive, slow, potentially hazardous, and require a significant amount of […]

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Mechanism of Failure of Pipeline Steels in Sour Environment

Safety of transportation of oil and gas provides a guarantee for sustainable energy supply. The fracture of linepipe may lead to environmental catastrophe and significant economic losses. Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), sulphide stress cracking (SSC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in various types of linepipe steels are phenomena that are responsible for the majority of […]

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Harmful algal blooms: Links between lake ecology, chemistry, and drinking water treatment

Overall project: Human activities can profoundly alter aquatic ecosystems and create major challenges for the provision of safe drinking water. For example, high nutrient loads can dramatically increase algal productivity. This in turn can alter lake chemistry and ecology, which can have significant effects on water treatment processes. Ecological changes can include the occurrence of […]

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Incidence, pathogenesis and control measures of Enterococcus infections in chicken embryos and neonatal broiler chickens (New)

Yolk sac infections have become the number one disease problem in the broiler chicken industry in Canada. The emergence of yolk sac infections due to Enterococcus species has increased over the last two years at poultry hatcheries in Saskatchewan and as a result, chick quality and broiler performance have decreased significantly. Pathogens responsible for neonatal […]

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