Sustainable engineering / Développement durable pour l’ingénierie (Nouveau)

The project aims at the development of an approach to integrate sustainability principles and criteria in engineering projects. Awaiting more information from the professor. Please check back soon. Do not contact Globalink Research Internships. ——– Le projet vise le développement d’une approche pour intégrer les principes et critères du développement durable dans les projets d’ingénierie.

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Aerodynamic measurements on airfoils in the wind tunnel

This research project is to better understand the flight dynamic characteristics of airfoils. The candidate will conduct an experimental study of the flow around airfoils in the wind tunnel. He will analyze the data to characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of the vortex structures produced. The experimental study will be conducted in the wind tunnel located […]

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Trainee position within the industrial Pfizer / UdeS Chair on process analysis (PAT) in pharmaceutical engineering technologies

Pfizer/Université de Sherbrooke Industrial Chair on PAT in pharmaceutical engineering The internship will be offered in the framework of the Pfizer/Université de Sherbrooke industrial chair on process analytical technology (PAT) in pharmaceutical engineering. Led by Professors Nicolas Abatzoglou and Ryan Gosselin, this chair has the following objectives: ? Develop knowledge of: 1) the physical and […]

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A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Environmental impact of Green Building

A full life cycle assessment (LCA) is usually a time, energy, and data-intensive process requiring sophisticated methodology. Moreover, rapid growth in LCA methodological developments applied to green building has generated a large body of work that may appear to lack direction. This research project propose that environmental impact meta-analysis of green building highlights several key, […]

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Quantum computation and quantum optics with circuit quantum electrodynamics

Quantum information is a new field of research that promises exponentially more powerful computers than those offered by current technology. To realize tasks that are impossible for their classical counterparts, quantum computers will harness effects that are fundamentally quantum mechanical. These effects (superposition of states, entanglement and interference) are at the heart of our understanding […]

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Contagion and contagions in financial markets: the application of network analysis in finance

The 2008 financial crisis highlighted the connectedness of financial institutions around the world. This networking can have important consequences, both positive and negative, for global and national financial systems. In this context, network theory and social network analysis (SNA) can provide helpful tools and measures to better understand the effects of networks or any other […]

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Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts

Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts INTRODUCTION: More than 50% of the compounds used in chemotherapy damage DNA. The most effective chemotherapeutic compounds induce DNA lesions that are slowly repaired, blocking DNA replication and cell cycle over a relatively long period of time after treatment. However cell cycle arrest […]

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Evaluating In-situ Testing Properties of New Alternative Cementing

Use of fly ash (FA) in concrete started in United States in early 1930’s. Standardized FA (SFA) by Canadian Standard Association (CSA) is frequently used as partial replacement of cement in manufacturing binary or ternary concrete mixtures. In addition to economic and ecological benefits, use of FA in concrete (a) improves workability (due to increased […]

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Optimizing Production of Biomass Fly Ash

Kruger Energy has built and commissioned a 23-MW biomass cogeneration plant at Kruger paper mill in Brompton (Québec) in 2007. The plant includes a hog boiler which burns papermill sludge, bark, and other wood residue (were firstly disposed in earth), as well as a steam turbine which generates electrical energy and provides steam required to […]

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Redox-dependent mechanisms of the innate immune antiviral response

The molecular mechanisms that explain how the host triggers a first antiviral response against virus infection has been the focus of numerous studies over the past decades. This first line of response involves key signaling cascades that permit the expression of antiviral and proinflammatory genes. Recently we have demonstrated that the production of reactive oxygen […]

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Photochemical water-splitting with transition metal complexes

The objective of this particular project is the synthesis and characterisation of novel bimetallic photocatalysts which are able to produce hydrogen gas from water using sunlight. Currently, hydrogen is made through steam reforming, which produces carbon dioxide as a side-product, or by electrolysis, which uses more energy to produce hydrogen than you get from its […]

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Rational design of opioid analgesics for treatment of chronic pain

Opioids are the most efficacious analgesics known, and elective in the treatment of acute severe pain. In contrast, their use in the management of chronic pain syndromes remains limited, requiring a compromise between preserving analgesic efficacy and controlling side effects such as respiratory depression, somnolence, nausea, constipation as well as abuse, dependence and analgesic tolerance. […]

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