Design and Synthesis of Covalent Enzyme Inhibitors

Introduction. Fibroblast activation protein-? (FAP), an enzyme of the S9 protein family, was identified as a major player in the activation of the stroma required for tumor growth and proliferation and progression of cancer cells. In parallel, prolyl oligopeptidase (POP), an enzyme of the same family, has been found to be responsible for the production […]

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Enhanced Remote Viewing Capabilities from a Camera Array

The project will entail one or more of the following activities, depending in part by which elements are completed in the summer of 2014. – adding “last mile support” for rendering 3D stereoscopic display from the dual-interpolated views we’re able to generate – implementing a dynamic camera-swapping selection mechanism based on the current set of […]

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Structural Investigation of an antibiotic-producing NRPS

Pacidamycins are group of peptide antibiotics which act against the Pseudomonas human pathogens by inhibiting cell wall biosynthesis. Pacidamycins are produced in Streptomyces coeruleorubidus by proteins of a nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) gene cluster. NRPS are a class of modular proteins that synthesize small peptide products with a wide variety of chemical and biological properties. […]

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Genetic factors underlying the survival of Legionella in water

One of the best-studied water-borne bacterial pathogens, in term of its interaction with phagocytic protozoans, is Legionella pneumophila. This species is an important, but often underestimated, cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. Transmission occurs primarily by inhalation of contaminated water droplets, but the exact mechanism and other factors influencing virulence remain unclear. Once in the […]

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High Precision Mapping with Mobile Robots

The goal of this project is to explore active sensing strategies to map an environment as precisely and as fast as possible using teams of mobile robots, such as quadrotors and ground robots. Available sensors are assumed to include various types of cameras and RGB-D sensors (kinect), as well as standard navigation sensors (inertial, high […]

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A graphical interface for semi-automated road user tracking

Although tracking moving objects in video data is more and more common in many applications, for example for surveillance and transportation, no algorithm can perform perfectly in all real world conditions, because of crowding, mixed traffic, varying lighting and weather conditions, etc. In applied fields such as transportation, the quality of the output data is […]

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Studying Developer Coordination Patterns in OS Distributions

The success of open source (OS) projects like the Linux kernel and the Apache web server is not only due to their high technical quality, but also because of the unique way in which these projects are delivered to end users. OS distributions like Debian, Ubuntu and countless derivatives customize and bundle thousands of OS […]

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MEMS-based Optical Transceiver

The goal of the project is to develop an affordable integrated optical system to perform channel selection in high performance passive optical networks using wavelength division multiplexing, which can provide terabit connection speed in metropolitan networks on inside data centers. The device will be based on a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) mirror and, in addition to […]

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Self-Optimization of service-oriented architectures for Mobile and Cloud Applications

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that is becoming broadly adopted as it offers the ability to develop low-cost, flexible, and scalable distributed systems by composing legacy services. This architectural style allows developers to build a wide range of Service-oriented Distributed Systems (SDS), from business systems to Cloud-based systems through mobile systems—Google, Amazon, eBay, […]

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Role of caspase-7 in colorectal cancer

Many diseases, including cancer, afflict the intestines. This is in large part due to the continuous renewal of epithelial cells, and the exposure to toxins from the diet and to infectious agents. Inflammation also contributes to the genesis of cancer, as illustrated by the link between chronic and ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer (CRC). Caspases, […]

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Green supply chain management practices in small and medium-sized enterprises

Green Value Chain Management (GVCM) parading is a way to change the supply chain into a value loop for saving environmental resources and assuring a business’s long-term prospects. Nowadays this phenomenon is attracting worldwide attention, particularly in large companies. Unfortunately, much evidence suggests that Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are still struggling to implement GVCM […]

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3D printers-oriented supply chain management paradigm

3D printers are supposed to bring many innovations to the industrial world. These products promise to change the way we do business and collaborate with supply chain partners, since the mass production process will have to change to a widely distributed, highly flexible, small-scale manufacturing. Some researchers believe that first-order implications will cause businesses all […]

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