Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership

The project objective is to enhance the economic and social resiliency of cities in Southeast Asia, recognizing the important connections between urbanization, the effects of climate change, public awareness, and societal well-being. The Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership, involving Canadian and Southeast Asia-based researchers, supports dialogue to create greater social justice and enhance […]

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Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures for Space Application

Satellites on orbit experience many internal and external disturbances, which make high-resolution observation on orbit difficulty. One solution is to isolate the payload from the disturbances by means of isolation platforms. This project is to develop a smart actuator-based micro-vibration isolation platform for high-resolution space applications such as mapping. The platform is required to be […]

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Electronic System Design of 2-D Imaging Spectrometer for Balloon Flight Test

The applicant recently was awarded a grant by the Canadian Space Agency to develop a 2-D image spectrometer together with a local company. This spectrometer will be validated through a high-altitude balloon flight within 3 years. In order to make this project successful, high-performance electronic circuits will have to be designed to acquire imaging, control […]

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Infrared-Visible video registration

It has been shown in the past, that the combination infrared and visible images improves at short and long distance the detection and segmentation of people, which are the main object of interest in visual surveillance. Indeed, people in visible imagery can be hard to detect when the color contrast with background is low and […]

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Modeling the thermodynamic and physical properties of ternary mixtures of ionic liquids (i.e. room temperature molten salts)

Modeling the thermodynamic properties (including phase equilibria) and physical properties of multicomponent systems is of great industrial importance nowadays. The metallurgical and chemical industries commonly use thermochemical packages to simulate chemical reactions and phase equilibria for process development. The thermodynamic and phase equilibrium modeling of multicomponent salt systems consists in expanding the Gibbs energy of […]

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Optical transitions and selection rules in 2D semiconductors. (New)

Inspired by the unusual properties of graphene, the search for other 2D materials has unveiled that MoS2 monolayers also offer unusual and spectacular characteristics. In contrast to gapless graphene, MoS2 is perfectly adapted for logic electronics and optoelectronics with a gap of 1.8 eV. In addition, excellent transistor performance, long device lifetime, and high mechanical […]

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A promising qubit for quantum computation: excitons bound to small molecules embedded in semiconductors.

Single impurity atoms in semiconductor crystals can be spatially resolved and studied individually. Carefully selecting the nature of the impurity and the host material, an impurity center composed of one, two or three atoms can bind electrons and holes, thereby forming an exciton bound to a quantum structure. Although the electronic properties of these atomic-size […]

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3D printing of polymer-based microelectromechanical systems

There is currently a big craze in 3D printing, a transformative technology that will most likely change the way we fabricate a plethora of products, ranging from toys to complex aircraft components. The research project addresses the entire span of high-end printing applications, ranging from material design to the fabrication process. On the material side, […]

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Experimental validation of a novel medical device tracking technology

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the 5th most common cancer worldwide with 500,000 new cases per year and the highest mortality rate (>97% in 5 yrs). Intravenous chemotherapy is limited and clinical outcomes are generally poor with a median survival rate of less than one year. Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) is an image guided interventional oncology […]

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Development of a Sensor Network for Pedestrian Data Collection

In this ongoing research project we are interested in collecting data at the pedestrian facility level (e.g. train station, outdoor festival area) using automated techniques. This means that the data gathering process should be able to know where a particular pedestrian entered, what activities they performed, and where they exited the system. We need a […]

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Characterization of braided composite aircraft structural components

With the increasing usage of composite in civil aviation, the industry is looking for affordable manufacturing techniques to produce high quality structural components. To achieve this goal, one approach is to use automatized textile techniques to quickly assemble fibre architectures tailored to the application. In this project, braiding is used to construct fuselage frame fibre […]

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Development of a simulation platform for soft and deformable human tissues

Introduction: Medical simulation is a rapidly growing field, having a positive impact on how healthcare providers are being trained and evaluated. Over the last ten years, there has been a 15-fold increase in the number of medical simulation centres (1400 worldwide today). Surgical simulation allows training outside the operating room (OR), thereby minimizing patient risk, […]

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