Robust Design of Preventive Healthcare Facility Networks

Preventive healthcare services aim at reducing the likelihood and severity of life-threatening illnesses through early detection and prevention. In order for such services to be effective, the preventive healthcare facilities should be easily accessible. Factors that impact the accessibility include the number, type, and location of the facilities as well as the assignment of the […]

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Chemogenomics of antifungal drugs

Candida albicans is an important pathogen that is a significant cause of serious hospital acquired infections. Our lab has a collection of approximately 1000 C. albicans strains that have been genetically engineered to each lack a single gene. The project will be to test the effect of drugs that are used to treat fungal infections […]

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Intelligent Matching Algorithm Design and Implementation for Internet Big Data

In today’s Big Data era, scientists and businesses owners strive to find accurate real time insights from a large size of various types of data moving at high speed, which has an effect on the human lifestyle and the enterprises productiveness. Advances in Internet and web technologies allow organizations to gather petabytes of structured or […]

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Acute and Chronic Effects of Obesity

Society has a preoccupation with fat. This preoccupation is far-reaching and extends from our concern with body fat to food and agriculture. For example in agriculture, there is a focus is on the amount and type of fat in dairy products and livestock. As a population or individual, we do not want to be too […]

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Fuel efficient air-traffic management (New)

Airline industry has been growing continuously during recent years while airport capacities have been stagnating. Despite the negative impact of September 11 attacks and ongoing global financial turmoil, demand for airline services has been steadily increasing. In most of the major markets including Europe, North America and large part of Asia, since early 90s, both […]

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Organocatalysed pericyclic reactions: Combining old and new chemistry producing a powerful tool (New)

The goal of this research project is to develop new methodologies that will enable the synthesis of functionalised and optically active building-blocks through unprecedented organocatalysed pericyclic processes. The main transformations to be studied are: sigmatropic rearrangements, electrocyclic rearrangements, cheleotropic additions, and ene reactions. In all cases, the proposed methodology will enable the formation of multiple […]

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Field Robotics

The work here will investigate the use of quad rotors for pipeline inspection. Using simple quad rotors, the students will build software to have robots fly along pipeline infrastructure to build a visual model of the pipeline. The work will involve writing software (using ROS – Robot Operating System and Python).

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Data Analytics and Visualization for Social Media

The exponential increase in social media textual data creates enormous challenges to read and interpret text. Twitter has grown from delivering 65 million tweets per day to over 200 million in 1 year. Facebook has 800 million users (each with ~130 friends). Over half the users visit Facebook daily. Of active Internet users, 77% read […]

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Implementing Solar PV Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

In this project we will monitor the technical performance of a solar photovoltaic (PV) charging station for electric vehicles that is currently under implementation at York University. The goal of the project is to use that performance data to analyze the replication potential of this renewable energy solution in additional locations in Canada and in […]

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