The research project will investigate agenda-setting processes in Brazil. It is intended to contribute to the studies in the field of public policies in Brazil, especially focused on agenda-setting, as well as for the analysis of processes of policy change related to changes in government priorities. This perspective, unprecedented in Brazil, has been developed in […]

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Mexican Mining Policy and its Relationship with Canadian Investment

Currently, Mexico receives more international investment in the mining sector than any other Latin American country. Throughout the past five years Canadian private investment has accounted for between 70-75% of all international investment. This project aims to explore Canadian investment in the Mexican mining industry in order to determine how, why and when investment occurs. […]

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Thermal breakdown of analog lunar rocks

The proposed research will study the rock breakdown on the Moon due to thermal fatigue caused by the thermal stresses arising from diurnal temperature changes. This is done through data analysis, modeling, and physical experiments. This work is important because it fills a key gap in our understanding of the processes by which the lunar […]

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Tailoring the Anisotropy of First-Row Transition Metal and Their Interactions

The proposed collaboration project between the Richeson and Journaux groups has a primary purpose of identifying new magnetic phenomena derived from common, inexpensive transition metals. The focus is on compounds containing cobalt and iron metal centers since these metals have larger than usual magnetic anisotropies. In order to design these compounds, specific chemical groups will […]

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Human Performance of Finger Identification for Multitouch Input

The project first aims at developing a robust and low latency hardware system for identifying which fingers are in contact with a surface. The second objective is to implement and refine finger identification interaction techniques that would improve the interaction with touch surfaces (smart phone, tablets, tabletops). These techniques will be evaluated to state of […]

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Spatial pattern of wildlife habitat across heterogeneous landscapes in Atlantic rainforest near São Paulo, Brazil

Transitions between adjacent plant communities are important features of landscapes that might harbour greater diversity. However, forest edges created by human activities can have negative consequences for wildlife habitat. Both types of transitions dominate fragmented agricultural landscapes in tropical forests. Understanding the vegetation structure in such heterogeneous landscape could help predict animal movements across natural […]

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Minimizing the Spread of Information in a Social Network by Blocking Links

Social network is becoming an increasingly popular media for information sharing. However, undesirable contents such as malicious rumors can spread through social networks among individuals. The technique to prevent undesirable content can also be applied in parenting control. As the more and more teenagers are using social network today, it is important to minimize the […]

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The development of olfaction in Sepia officinalis

As a complex species of mollusk, the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, has a unique physiology with multiple traits, such as their complicated brains that are similar to vertebrates. With these similarities, S. officinalis provides a novel perspective for understanding olfaction. Critical across the animal kingdom, olfaction allows for complex behaviors such as detection of food, […]

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Mathematical Models of cell invasion types emerging from phenotypic and environmental heterogene

The building blocks of multicellular organisms such as humans are cells, vessels and protein fibers. Cell migrations are instrumental in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms (such as wound healing). Aberrant cellular migrations are important in many pathological conditions, for instance in cancer. The majority of cancer related deaths (80-90%) are caused by spread […]

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Attentional Mechanisms

Using psychophysics, we will investigate how selection mechanisms overcome the limited capacity in visual processing. Awaiting more information from the professor. Please check back soon. Do not contact Globalink Research Internships.

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