GEOIMPACT: Geophysical study of mid-size impact structures

The GEOIMPACT project aims to study several meteorite impact craters in Canada by using geophysical methods (for example seismic waves, electricity or magnetism). In the Solar System, meteorite impact craters are the most abundant morphologic features on rocky bodies (planets, asteroids) such as the Moon and Mars. However, the Earth has only about 180 known […]

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Evaluating the use of OrthoEvidence as a Decision-Making Tool at an Orthopaedic Surgical Hospital in India

OrthoEvidence gathers the most up-to-date, high-impact literature articles, summarizes them and sends out Advanced Clinical Evidence (ACE) reports to subscribers. A random group of residents in Pune, India at the Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation will have access to the mobile app?s targeted OrthoEvidence ACE reports based on their specialty while the control group […]

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Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as a tool to study the transcription rate of Bicoid targets during Drosophila embryonic development

In embryos, cell differentiation occurs via the formation of spatial gradients of molecules called morphogens, which control the expression of a number of target genes determining cell identity. A common model system to study morphogen is the Bicoid gradient, which determine anterio-posterior patterning in the Drosophila fly. Here we propose to apply novel methods in […]

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Culture and Nongovernmental Organizations in China

In a country which emphasizes authority and collectivism in their culture, how can an organization with strongly egalitarian and individualistic culture fit in and survive? The existing independent NGOs and government-organized NGOs (GONGOs) in China provide us a great platform to examine different cultures of these two types of organizations and their interaction with national […]

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Synthesis and self-assembly of bipyrimidine decorated porphyrins

build molecular structures that exhibit specific properties such as rigidity, electric conductivity, or porosity. Building these structures without bricks and mortar is no easy task. Instead, we use synthetic chemistry to create new building blocks and take advantage of favorable interactions between these molecules to produce new assemblies. Porphyrins are naturally occurring molecules necessary for […]

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High Precision Turbulence Measurement using Micro-Turbulence Profiler

Researchers from academia and industry have recently shown interest in generating electricity from the kinetic energy of the water streams. Generating electricity using hydrokinetic turbines is an emerging technology and its development depends on the good understanding of the different aspects of the technology. In this project we measure and analyze the flow velocity and […]

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Action-driven 3D Indoor Scene Modeling

3D indoor scenes are ubiquitously needed in the virtual world, e.g. 3D games, movies and virtual reality. These scenes provide the essential virtual environments for 3D characters to perform daily activities and tasks. Current scenes on public available datasets, e.g. Trimble 3D warehouse, are usually clean and well organized, and might not be sufficient to […]

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Organo-Tellurium Supramolecular Building Blocks

The student will travel to the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil, for 12 weeks to develop the chemical synthesis of new organo-tellurium compounds whose molecules will be used as building blocks for large self-assembled structures with functional properties. This project will combine the expertise of I. Vargas-Baca (McMaster) and A L. Braga, […]

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