Housing inequality in China: patterns and processes

China has experienced a rapid process of urban growth and its housing market has expanded greatly in the past 30 years. It is evident that urban housing consumption and overall housing quality have been elevated significantly in China. Yet, the improvement in housing provision is clearly not shared equally among all residents in Chinese cities. […]

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Simultaneous analysis of amphetamine and derivatives in drug seizures and natural weight loss pills by capillary electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry

This proposed research project is to develop and validate a method based on Capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry to analyze amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxy-amphetamine, methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, and methylenedioxyethylamphetamine in real samples of drug seizures and natural weight loss pills, by first getting a basic understanding of CE-MS/MS technique and then applying it. The expected outcome is […]

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Narrative Form and Visual Sequence: The New Photography in 1970s American Practice and 1980s French Discourse

My dissertation investigates the narrative photography emerged in the US around the 1970s and its influence on the formation of photographic discourse in France throughout the 1980s. By narrative photography, I refer to the photographic experiments that appropriate certain qualities of narrative forms, ranging from books to theater. With the financial support of Mitacs Globalink […]

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Source apportionment of black carbon in Calgary, Canada

Black carbon (BC), generated from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels, is one of the two major airborne pollutants that drive climate change and degrade regional air quality. With a warming potential second to CO2, BC contributes the most uncertainty to climate modeling due to its short retention time in the atmosphere and poorly understood mixing, […]

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Cultural Capital and Return Migration to Turkey

This research project studies Turkish university professors who have spent significant periods of time living in the United States or Canada but have decided to move back to Turkey. I want to understand why these professors choose to move back to Turkey after spending so much time in North America, and what factors cause them […]

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Green and Controlled Synthesis of Chiral Compounds

Organocatalysis is a method used where the rate of reaction is increased by an organic catalyst, referred to an an organocatalyst. The use of an organic compound eliminates the need to use a metal catalyst, deeming the project as “green”. The absence of the metal catalyst means there is no need for the expensive recovery […]

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In situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst

The research project I will be working on at Tianjin University is called the “in situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst.” During this project, we will be working with lignocellulosic-based composites, which have many applications in biology, medicine, dirt degradation, and wastewater treatment. A composite is defined as a material made of […]

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Determination of Solubilities of CO2 in Brines Under Geological Storage Conditions

More and more attention is being paid to the sequestration of CO2. The proposed methods for CO2 sequestration include geological sequestration, ocean sequestration, mineral sequestration, and so on. Among them, saline aquifers in geological sequestration can store the largest amount of CO2, and is the most promising method. At present, the study of CO2 sequestration […]

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Catalytic Reforming, Hydrogenation, and Decarboxylation of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Esters over Non-noble Metal Catalyst

Biodiesel refers to a vegetable oil or animal fat based diesel fuel consisting of saturated and unsaturated long-chain alkyl esters. Low value biodiesel has been developed on a commercial scale, however the application is limited. The conversion of biodiesel to high value C8-16 n-alkanes currently uses metal catalysts (Pt/C), which is an expensive technique. Designing […]

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