Biological Physics: Neuronal structural dynamics

Our laboratory is interested in developing imaging software and instrumentation that will allow us to measure the spatial dynamics of growing neuronal structures in a small, transparent, model organism called C. elegans. C. elegans is a small nematode (round worm) with a uniquely simple nervous system—it contains only 302 neurons and the connectivity between these […]

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Switched Mode Converters for Power Management Circuits

The objective of this project is to design and implement digitally controlled high efficiency DC-DC switching converters suitable for VLSI power management applications. The main challenge in this work is to develop a robust power management scheme to dynamically vary the supply voltage as a function of varying clock frequency for the VLSI chip. The […]

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Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Networks

Cognitive radio networks are fundamentally different from traditional cellular networks because multiple competing service providers simultaneously co‐exist in the same wireless spectrum. Service providers can significantly increase the network capacity by deploying dynamic resource allocation algorithms that are robust to time‐varying and uncertain environments as well as the actions of other, possibly selfish entities. The […]

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Multi-Scale Adaptive Modelling and Numerical Methods for Reactive Flows

This research project looks to develop computer programs which will enable the study of reactive flows and combustion processes in gas turbine engines. Combustion is inherently a multi-scale process that involves a wide range of complicated physical/chemical phenomena, as well as a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Due to the limits on available […]

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Optimal Bidding Strategy for Wind Power Generation in Day-ahead Market

Wind Power Generation is one of the major sources for clean energy around the world in the industrialized countries or regions.  It is well known that the WPG has the following characteristics: the input is uncertain; the volatility is high with jumps and lags; the correlation between its output and demand is most likely zero; […]

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Beating a Dead Horse Creek: Enhanced removal of nutrients, organic pollutants, and toxicity from sewage lagoons and receiving waters by manipulative constructed wetland microcosms at Dead Horse Creek, Manitoba

Our overall project objective is to determine factors to optimize removal of nutrients and organic micropollutants (e.g., pesticides, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products aka “drugs”) in rural municipal sewage lagoons, through manipulative experiments with bench-scale and field-scale constructed wetlands.  This work will provide sound science on how best to remove such contaminants from wastewaters […]

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Disposal of industrial and domestic effluents in shallow water bodies

It has been a common practice to discharge water, wastewater and industrial effluents into open channels such as rivers and streams.   Such discharges, in the form of jets, often enter shallow bodies of water typically found in rivers and coastal bays.  In contrast to the existing body of knowledge on unconfined turbulent jets in which […]

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Energy-efficient design strategies for backbone optical networks

The exponential growth in high-bandwidth applications and devices used in backbone networks has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in power consumption, and there is a growing recognition of the need to be more energy efficient [1].The proposed research project will investigate a number of techniques for energy-efficient optical network design. These include: Applying traffic […]

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Contour interpolation in medical imaging

Planning of medical procedures, such as radiation therapy or minimally invasive interventions, almost always require delineation of organs and other important structures by closed curves. Most frequently this is performed manually, by drawing contours around the objects on several two-dimensional cross-sectional images. Typically the contours change smoothly between adjacent image slices, therefore it could be […]

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