Risk Sharing Contracts Between Healthcare Payer and Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers

In this project we analyze how a government healthcare provider should negotiate a risk-sharing contract with pharmaceutical drug manufacturers. The objective of the study is to examine how a government healthcare payer should set the terms of pay-for-performance contracts with multiple drug or pharmaceutical manufacturers. The study builds on existing work by Mahjoub, Odegaard, and […]

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Instrumentation and Debugging of Real-time Systems

Software testing and debugging take up between 30 and 50% of the development cost in embedded systems. Despite this large percentage and the associated enormous costs, only little attention has been devoted to debugging of embedded real-time systems. Apart from in-circuit emulators for standalone systems, ad-hoc methods such as blinking lights to indicate errors and […]

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Analysis of cost of international public health interventions

There are two sets of literature estimating the cost of health interventions in different countries.However, actual program cost data are not available for all programs (whereas it is easier to generate estimates using the “ingredients approach”).  In this project, we will undertake a literature review to match actual program costs to those predicted by the […]

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Electric Vehicle Components Modeling

Vehicle electrification poses considerable challenges on chassis architecture, design of vehicle control and power management systems. Moreover, it tends to induce variations in the sprung and unsprung masses and load distributions. A combination of these has a significant impact on vehicle system dynamics and stability. Thus, development of next-generation electric vehicles(EV) necessitates a systematic exploration […]

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Identification of parameters in delay differential equations

Mathematical modelling is the process of creating mathematical models describing the behavior of physical systems. Mathematical models of many physical systems (e.g., engineering, biological, economical, and environmental) are governed by ordinary differential equations [1].  These differential equations are usually nonlinear, and parameters might appear both linearly and nonlinearly in these equations.  Delay differential equations are […]

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FPGA-based Design, Evaluation and Prototyping of Power Management Strategies for Multi-core Processors

Single chip multi-core processors have become the de-facto computational platform for application domains ranging from low-power mobile and embedded devices to high-end server products that form the backbone of the worldwide information technology (IT) infrastructure. Power management has always been an issue in the mobile computing space, and with the alarmingly increasing rates of energy […]

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Development of Computer Aided Communication Devices for People with Disabilities

This is a major long-term and on-going project being undertaken by CanAssist. An organization dedicated to developing assistive technologies and services that will improve the quality of life and independence of those with disabilities (please see www.canassist.ca). One of our key research areas revolves around the development and provision of communication and control devices for […]

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Audio Zoom: blind source separation in a reverberant environment

Dr. Peter Driessen’s research group at University of Victoria is working on building a system using microphone arrays of arbitrary geometry to zoom in on desired audio in a noisy environment. Ultimately a listener will be able to simply look at the location from where s/he wants to hear the audio, controlling the audio zoom […]

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Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Networks

This is an extension of our research project, Network Connectivity in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, which involved a MITACS Globalink intern student in Summer 2010. Vehicular networks, in either vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I) forms, have the potential to considerably improve road safety, travel comfort and trip efficiency, and have attracted a lot of attention from […]

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High Performance GPU Cluster Computing: Astronomical DSP

Graphical Processing Units (GPU)’s have matured, and now provide the highest computational performance per dollar.  To be scalable, a tighly coupled cluster of GPU’s must support efficient implementations of real world algorithms. This project will implement a software signal processing pipeline using GPU architectures.  CITA is currently acquiring a major GPU cluster, which will be […]

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Determination of vessel wall shear stress in the cerebral vasculature using magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics

Our project consists of a combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and numerical simulations to model the blood flow dynamics in major cerebral arteries. In doing so, we hope to determine the shear stresses that are inflicted on the vessel walls of the brain, which should correlate with the vessel’s ability to dilate in response […]

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