Preparing Nurses to Work in Technology Enabled Healthcare Environments

The proposed project provides new nurses with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to work in clinical practice settings in British Columbia, Canada and Internationally. The project will lead to the development of nurses who can not only articulate how nursing practice can be captured in health information systems (HIS) and telehealth applications, but can […]

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Optical Trapping of Nanoparticles and Optical Antennas

The student can choose between two sub-projects. The first involves our recent discovery of optical trapping of nanoparticles that is 10000 times more efficient than past methods. With this improvement we can trap, detect and manipulate even single proteins. We are studying the capability of this unique trapping configuration, which will be the research task […]

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The construction of a rapid-scan mid-infrared Mueller matrix ellipsometer for the study of protein adsorption at the solid-liquid interface

The proposed project involves the design and construction of a real-time broadband infrared Mueller-matrix ellipsometer for the study of protein adsorption at the solid-liquid interface. By preparing an incident light field in a well-defined polarization state, and then characterizing the change in polarization that occurs upon interacting with a sample (for example, in a reflection […]

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Technology to improve the quality of life of those with disabilities

The project will focus on the development of computer interfaces, tools and applications that are directed at improving the quality of life and independence of persons with disabilities. The suit of tools under development include; 1) Task management and organizational apps, and journal (record keeping and diary) applications that support individuals with cognitive challenges- including […]

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Galaxy populations in X-ray clusters

The X-ray X-tra Large (XXL) project is a astronomical research collaboration that aims to use a large X-ray survey of galaxy clusters to answer fundamental questions in cosmology and galaxy evolution. I am a key member of the XXL project and I specialise in using multi-wavelength observations of galaxies in X-ray emitting clusters to learn […]

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Connecting Wealth to Health for Retiring Older Adults

The project aims to increase awareness associated with health related financial costs in aging; and enhance the capacity to self-manage post-retirement. In the first phase, a study was conducted assessing the health and financial related needs of rural residents in pre-retirement (45-70 years old). The objective was to identify gaps in knowledge related to health […]

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Motion of a particle in a solution containing “thick” and “thin” regions

When a group of particles is released in a fluid, they will disperse throughout the solution via diffusion. If we consider a solution that is “thick” (like honey) in some regions and “thin” (like water) in others, where will the particles end up? Will they become trapped in the honey, concentrated in the water where […]

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Computer Simulation of Bacteria Swimming in Various Fluidic Systems

Bacteria and cells have different swimming abilities and strategies. It has been shown that it is possible to design funnel-shaped fences in microfluidic systems that force swimming cells to concentrate on one side of the fence. This is not unlike how lobster are captured! In this project, we will simulate the swimming of hundreds of […]

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Comparative genomics to identify function associations

Many microbial genomes have been completely sequenced. The presence/absence data for thousands of genes across a diverse array of species allow one to quickly identify genes that are functionally associated. Because of shared ancestry among biological species, such functional association needs to be phylogenetically controlled. The computation requires the construction of a reliable species tree, […]

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Quantifying stratified turbulence in gravity currents

The student working on this project will determine how the internal mixing dynamics influence the degree to which gravity currents entrain fluid. Gravity currents are important flows for oceanography that form when dense water cascades down the continental slope. There are also many important engineering applications, such a dense waste-water disposal from a desalination plant, […]

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