Consistency of local classifiers under exchangeable data inputs

Traditionally, proofs of universal consistency of particular machine learning algorithms – including local learning algorithms such as k-NN classifier – are given under the assumption of data inputs being independent identically distributed random variables. This assumption is often too strong, for instance, when modelling learning and generalization of time series. A sequence of random variables […]

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High throughput functional proteomics for surface proteins on mouse embryonic stem cells

Proteomics is a high throughput analysis of the structure and function of proteins in biological systems. Our glycoprotein-targeted proteomic analysis employs liquid chromatography (LC) as a separation tool in line with mass spectrometry (MS) as an analyser to identify and quantify glycoproteins and their site of glycosylation. In a typical analysis, proteins will be extracted […]

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Scalable Pervasive Games for Natural Disaster Preparation

Pervasive games are a new genre of computer game played on mobile devices in the everyday locations we inhabit. With them come a new way for people to socialize, interact, understand places and locations, and engage in various aspects of community. The challenge, however, is we still do not know how to best design pervasive […]

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A Fuzzy Expert System on Qualitative Mineralogy

This project involves the evolution of an existing computer software system designed to teach mineralogy and assist in the identification of a mineral specimen. The current system operates in a proprietary hypertext-based software environment that needs to be upgraded to run in a Windows-based browser such as Firefox or MS-Explorer. The system uses a fuzzy […]

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Implementation of an Engine Control Unit for Automotive Fuel Injection

The objective of the research project is to implement an engine control unit (ECU) that we acquired recently to an automotive engine test bench for the fuel injection control purpose. The engine system to be used is a Sunbird engine (port-fuel-injection gasoline engine) that UBC Mechanical Engineering has. The ECU is a MotoHawk microcontroller which […]

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Improved Simulation of Shockwaves in Compressible Fluid Flows

The reliable simulation of shockwaves is critical in the prediction and study of many physical phenomena, where abrupt changes in material properties due to shockwaves can greatly affect regions of interest and activate physical mechanisms. The predominant method for simulating flows with shockwaves, shock-capturing has been around for more than sixty years.and have been successfully […]

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Divergence Preserving Approximation of Vector Fields

Fluids are often simulated on regular grids. At each grid point, the fluid velocity is stored as a vector. In order to analyze the flow, most flow-visualization algorithms interpolate the vector field at non-grid points in a component-wise fashion. This straightforward approach is not conservative i.e., the interpolated vector-field is no longer divergence-free. The aim […]

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Evolution of High Latitude Birds

Current research projects focus on resident and short distance migrants. Using molecular markers (e.g., DNA sequence data), we can look at historical biogeography and how glaciations have shaped current populations. We have a number of species that can be worked on to look at population genetic structure.

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Constrained Control Lyapunov-function construction

One of the fundamental unsolved problems in control theory is the choice of a constrained control Lyapunov-function for nonlinear systems-a problem that goes to the heart of defining and understanding what stability means. In our group we have used results on null controllable regions for linear systems to address this problem for linear systems. This […]

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Fault-Handling in Chemical Process Systems

The need for a comprehensive framework to diagnose and handle actuator and sensor faults has been well recognized. This project will strive to develop rigorous first principles and data-based fault-detection and isolation filters and fault-tolerant control designs.

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Visualization of deformation fields in medical imaging

Image registration methods are often used in image-guided medical interventions to determine dislocation of the target organ. Advanced registration methods can determine not just a rigid transformation, but also organ deformations. Performance assessment of deformable image registration algorithms requires visualization of the resulting deformation fields, by means of colored image slices, isolines, arrows, deformed grids, […]

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