Study on Alkylation of Benzene with Methanol over ZSM-5 Zeolite with controllable Internal and External Surface Acidity

The research project is studying the reaction of benzene to produce toluene and xylene is very useful as both of these products have great commercial value. The challenge that is being researched is to make this reaction more efficient by minimizing the sub-reactions that happen simultaneously, specifically the reaction of methanol to olefins. These sub-reactions […]

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Controller Development and Validation for Extreme Maneuvering of Agile Fixed-Wing UAVs

Historically, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – also referred to as remotely piloted aircraft or drones – have most commonly been associated with military applications. In recent years, however, there has been a shift in interest towards civilian applications and a corresponding increase in research and development in this area. UAVs typically fall into two categories: […]

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Cortical Changes Linked to Semantic Integration

In this project, we will use computerized games to teach second language material to adults. We will use neuroimaging and eye-tracking (a measurement of a person’s eye movements, which can provide information about reading and the processing of language). Adult learners will complete a 5-day game-based second language-training program. Their brain activity and eye movements […]

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Cyclodextrin-based ordered polymeric frameworks and investigation of their gas uptake properties and applications

This research will be focused on the development of cross-linked framework materials which contain ?-cyclodextrin (?-CD) and bifunctional cross-linker units at variable composition. Several questions will be addressed: i) the role and relative contribution of multi-functional adsorption sites (inclusion vs. non-inclusion) of the framework material, ii) the role of framework structure and composition on permanent […]

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Risk factors for poor fertility on free-stall farms with and without the use of automated activity monitors in southern Brazil

Through this project, we aim to determine on-farm factors that may effect the fertility of farms which use automated activity monitors (AAM) within their reproductive management in southern Brazil. AAM are technologies that monitor the physical activity of cows to try to detect when the cow comes into estrus. These technologies are becoming more important […]

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Understanding the Mechanisms of Serotype Replacement in Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

Diseases, there are a number of different serotypes that can cause infection. The vaccine is often targeted towards one or some of the serotypes. There is accumulating evidence that when serotype-specific vaccines are used, other non-vaccine serotypes may gain a competitive advantage and spread in larger magnitudes. This has raised the concern of serotype replacement […]

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Catalysts for natural products epoxidation

The present project consists of developing new catalysts for the epoxidation of natural products. Those catalysts will be titanium and molybdenum, two well known metals for this reaction, on well defined porous silica supports. Solid catalysts are favoured in industries because they are easy to produce at low cost and easy to separate from the […]

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Achieving Climate ‘Justice:’ Indian climate justice narratives, and who’s being ‘left out in the cold’

My collaborative research project with Tyrone Hall will examine the concept of “justice” in India’s climate change policy, discourse and action. Embedding the notion of “climate justice” at the core of climate change discourse results in a political frame around risk (Indian) and responsibility (Global North’s). The study examines how the needs and risks of […]

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Youth Bullying and Cyberbullying in a Canadian and Indian context

This comparative research explores the subject of bullying among youths in two major cities of New Delhi, India and Toronto, Canada. This research aims to compare the resources available to youths in India and Canada in regard to bullying awareness, cyberbullying, and its prevention methods. This research will compare the experiences of two socially and […]

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Production of n-alkanes by In-situ Hydrogenation and Decarboxylation of Unsaturated Fatty Acid with hydrogen donor

This research topic has significant potential industrial application as it can convert waste (or industrially unusable) fatty acids into fully saturated fatty acids by hydrogenation, then decarboxylation to long hydrocarbon chains. Catalyst is a fundamental aspect to many chemical reactions, where many important laboratory and industrial processes are dependent on carefully selected catalyst to operate. […]

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Ammonia nitrogen removal from wastewater by anaerobic-aerobic fluidized bed

Recent decades have seen an increase in nitrogen concentration in bodies of water as a result of human activity. High nitrogen concentrations in water are toxic to humans and can be harmful to the environment. The purpose of the research project to be performed at the Zhejiang University of Technology is the study of the […]

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