Invasion process of the nonindigenous golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, in the South to North Water Diversion Project, China, and its impact on associated aquatic ecosystem health

The Central Route of South to North Water Diversion (SNWD) project in China aims at transferring water from Yangtze River Basin to Beijing and Tianjin via a 1276 km open water canal across China. This represents a great risk for the accepting water bodies to be biologically invaded. The home university, University of Windsor, has […]

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Dental Resin Composites based on Bile Acid Monomers

Current commercially available dental resin composites use the monomer BisGMA that uses a toxic bisphenol A (BPA) as the starting material, causing potential environmental and health problems. We aim at replacing BPA with bile acids, natural compounds in the new synthesis of new dental monomers. We are also making new inorganic fillers that provide the […]

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Teachers’ reciprocal learning in transnational professional communities between Ontario and Shanghai secondary schools

The proposed research project investigates two transnational teacher communities between Ontario and Shanghai secondary schools. Teachers’ cross-cultural professional learning is the focus of the study. To understand how, why, and what teachers learn from each other, the project needs to collect data from both countries. While in China, data collection will be completed in two […]

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Écologie de la fission-fusion chez le singe araignée

Some social mammals present a group dynamic related to spatially and temporally variable environments described as fission-fusion dynamics. This dynamics is defined as the temporal division of a group into sub-groups varying in size and composition, and is thought to occur through social regulation to improve foraging efficiency. Nevertheless, the influential factors in that dynamics […]

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Using the Arabidopis toolbox to evaluate the plant growth promoting activity of purified molecules from brown algal extracts

Seaweeds and seaweed products have been promoted in agriculture as source of nutrients and activators, to improve plant growth, plant productivity and food production. A wide range of beneficial effects have been observed, including seed germination, enhanced growth and crop yield, elevated resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, the bioactive compounds have not been […]

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The study of action mechanism of indoles in Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer

The indole subunit is a near-ubiquitous component of biologically active natural has become an important building block or intermediate in the synthesis of many pharmaceutical agents. Such as indole-3-carbinol, found in cruciferous vegetables has been shown to inhibit carcinogenesis. In this project I will focus on studying of action mechanism (cell apoptosis, angiogenesis inhibition and […]

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Mise à l’échelle numérique de modèles hydrologiques pour les modèles de climat à grande échelle

La résolution spatiale horizontale des modèles climatiques régionaux est à l’heure actuelle encore assez grossière, de l’ordre de la dizaine de kilomètres. Cette résolution engendre une sous discrétisation spatiale du cycle hydrologique continental, et donc une estimation approximative des échanges d’eau et d’énergie entre l’atmosphère et la surface continentale. Pour quantifier les erreurs associées à cette […]

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Multivariate polynomial interpolation: efficient algorithms and applications

This research project aims at providing efficient methods to solve a mathematical problem which has practical applications in digital communication and online storage. In the domain of communications, these methods perform the decoding stage of some error-correcting codes, which are used to ensure reliable data transmission over an unreliable or noisy communication channel such as […]

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Top Executive Emotions and Strategic Change Initiation in Philanthropic Organizations

This study investigates how strategic changes are initiated in organizations. Using longitudinal real-time qualitative research, it explores how top executives and other actors’ emotions and feelings are managed in order to achieve desirable outcomes of strategic change. The process of strategy initiation in two major Canadian philanthropic organizations is followed in detail, with the aim […]

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Mathematical Modeling of Fetal Cardiovascular, Neurovascular, and Metabolic Response to Umbilical Cord Occlusions

Acidification of fetal blood presents one of the greatest risks to the fetus during childbirth. Current monitoring technologies focusing on recording fetal heart rate are poor indicators of fetal stress levels, and provide minimal assistance in clinical decision-making. This is due to a lack of understanding about which features of fetal heart rate best represent […]

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Secure Outsourcing of Storage and Computation

The rise of cloud technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices have revolutionized data storage and their processing. Amongst numerous benefits, cloud technologies offer a flexible way to outsource storage and computation to the cloud vendors. As a result, sensitive data often end up being managed on remote servers maintained by third party outsourcing vendors. […]

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