Compromis entre efficacité énergétique et protection aux pannes dans les « Software Defined Networks ».

Les réseaux de communications, notamment l’Internet, connaissent une importante croissance ses dernières années. Cette croissance s’accompagne d’une complexité grandissante ainsi que d’une consommation énergétique de plus en plus élevée. Les technologies actuellement déployées ne sont pas adaptées pour faciliter l’économie d’énergie sur des réseaux de grandes tailles. La technologie SDN nous offre un meilleur contrôle […]

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Envisioning an International Community: Proletarian Arts in East Asia

This project explores the relation between internationalism and leftist literature in early twentieth century China and East Asia. A study of internationalism amongst leftist movements offers important insights into technologies and strategies for building coalitions across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries. I propose that examining workers organizations and their literary and cultural links to internationalism […]

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Mapping and spatial modelling of bamboo in the Brazilian Amazon

Due to anthropogenic alterations such as forest harvesting, fragmentation and forest degradation has occurred enabling the invasion of native bamboo species which are contributing to habitat degradation and reduction of tree species in the remaining forested areas of Brazil. Currently, the primary method of monitoring forests dominated by bamboos is based on field observations. However, […]

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Innovative Game-Based Rehabilitation Platform for children with motor and cognitive impairments due to neuro-developmental disorders and acquired brain injuries

We have developed an innovative computer-aided, game-based platform for rehabilitation. The platform includes an embedded automated assessment subsystem, which provides electronic measures of fine and gross motor skills and specific psychomotor skills. The primary objective of this research project is to evaluate the test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the standardized assessment subsystem embedded into […]

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Vocal and visual signal divergence in a Neotropical songbird

New species may arise when related animal populations diverge in their plumage and song mating signals and no longer respond to the signals of other populations. In many tropical birds, species limits are unclear because of a lack of studies on plumage, song, morphological, and genetic variation among closely-related populations. Even fewer studies investigate whether […]

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Faculty Attitudes towards the Internationalized Classroom in Chinese Universities

An “internationalized classroom” is a space wherein many of the tensions, possibilities and change factors inherent in the internationalization process are expressed in relationships between and among host students, international students, and instructors. The proposed research is part of a Canada/China comparative study on faculty attitudes towards the internationalized classroom. During Li Mao’s research trip in […]

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Voids of Speculation – The uncanny ruins of failed urbanism

This research explores ghost-cities in Hanoi, Vietnam, built mostly for speculative reasons, often lingering uninhabited for a prolonged period of economic uncertainty. The dive of Vietnam in market economy in the 90’s called for a large scale restructuration of what has previously been uncontrolled rapid urbanization processes. At the beginning of the 2000s, at least […]

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Temperature effects on geomaterials performance

The effects of temperature on the mechanical properties of geomaterials (e.g. soils, rocks) are important for the safety and life cycle of any infrastructures. The research activities in the field suggest that there is a lack of understanding due to limited experimental data. The seasonal climate change causes the variations in temperatures which may pose […]

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Learning Algorithm for Quantum Error Correction

Using quantum mechanics to improve information technology has been an interdisciplinary exercise. The challenge in implementing quantum information technology arises primarily from the fragile nature of quantum systems under various noises. We focus on the problem of correcting such errors that occur in the superconducting quantum circuits, which is a promising candidate for realizing a […]

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