Size dependant catalytic behaviour of supported Cu nanoparticles on CeO2 in ethanol synthesis from methyl acetate

Ethanol is a versatile feedstock that is extremely beneficial. A new route of EtOH synthesis from syngas via dimethyl ether carbonylation and methyl acetate hydrogenation has been proposed. This is environmentally friendly and efficient. Throughout this research, the relationship between the nature of MA activation and the size of the supported Cu nanoparticles will be […]

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Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin Polymerization: A Combined Computational and Experimental Approaches

Chromium based catalysts such as Phillip’s catalyst are widely used in the production of polyethylene materials, specifically high density polyethylene. Despite their widespread and successful use, there is still much that is unknown about how exactly these catalysts work and interact with other catalysts. New research has been done that has indicated the chromium vanadium […]

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Aerobic Granulation for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewater

Increasing pressure on India’s limited water resources due to population growth demands innovative and cost-effective methods of water management. One avenue of significant research is the treatment and recycling of municipal wastewater, where only about 31% of the domestic wastewater generated is treated using conventional methods. Aerobic granulation (AG) is a novel biotechnological wastewater treatment […]

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Accords de Partenariat Trans Pacifique et libéralisation du marché laitier: impacts économiques sur le secteur laitier canadien

Avec les derniers accords, en matière de politique commerciale canadienne, il devenait nécessaire d’analyser l’impact économique de ces accords sur l’industrie laitière en prenant compte les résultats des travaux déjà entrepris sur ce sujet. L’objectif général de notre étude est d’analyser l’impact des réformes commerciales suite à l’AECG (Accord Économique Commerciale Globale) et au PTP […]

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Species tree inference from multi-labeled gene trees

Reconstructing the tree of life, which depicts the evolutionary history of today’s existing species, has been a central goal of evolutionary biology ever since Darwin. Each species is composed of a set of genes, which can be grouped into families. The DNA sequences of genes can be used to infer a gene tree for each […]

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Embodied Cognition: Poetry, Process, and Alternative Epistemologies

Participating in Mitacs Globalink will offer me the unique opportunity to engage in cross-cultural dialogue with scholars in the historic region of Sarnath, Varanasi, India, at the Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS), a unique institution founded by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in consultation with Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama. I would be working […]

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National ID Systems and Techniques of Population Control: The development of surveillance-assisted political economy from colonial to neoliberal times in Japan

My project investigates the colonial development of Japan’s national identification (ID) systems, and the transformation of those surveillance techniques in our digital age. National ID systems identify individuals with a centralized ID number, collect and use the different kinds of personal data for multiple purposes. Those ID techniques have spread rapidly in the “war on […]

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Effect of super absorbent polymer on the water use efficiency of tomato in saline soils as affected by drought conditions

Global food demand of ever increasing population requires almost double the food production in the near future posing a great threat to our limited natural resources, such as soil and water, from the overutilization and upbringing of vulnerable lands into cultivation while the changing climate exacerbates these problems. While soil salinity may directly affect the […]

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Design and Implementation of Bio-Inspired Student Clustering Approach Based on Students’ Annotations on Web-based Reading Materials

When students read a book, they usually annotate important words in the text. Students may perhaps miss some important information while reading the book. If students are reminded about the potentially important annotations, they may achieve better academic performance later, in terms of having better marks for written exams, quizzes, and other learning activities. With […]

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La perception du Canada dans l’opinion publique française : une étude de la Gazette de France entre 1701 et 1763

Colonie française depuis le début du XVIe siècle, la Nouvelle-France est cédée à la Grande-Bretagne à l’issu de la guerre de Sept Ans (1756-1763). Chez les Britanniques, une volonté de conquête du Canada est clairement exprimée dans l’opinion publique. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous souhaitons voir au-delà des « quelques arpents de neige […]

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