Exploring the modern possibilities of AI Directors

Games have often used the concept of using an AI to direct gameplay in a way that would be more enjoyable by players in the game. This has most often been targeted at dynamically adjusting the difficulty of encounters so that players will be more successful when playing through a game. However, the general concept […]

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Cardiac sensor to detect changes in heart dysfunction related to COVID-19 virus

Recent research has confirmed the lethal effects of the COVID-19 virus on the heart, and thus the proposed research will use a cardiac sensor called seismocardiography to assess the mechanical function of the heart in patients with respiratory and cardiac pathology, as well as in normal-healthy aging patients, to assist in the understanding, diagnosis and […]

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CO-Away: A Rapid Response Digital Tool to Tackle COVID-19

When our society has faced existential threats in the past, we have banded together to use the technology at hand to overcome them. The COVID-19 outbreak is one such threat that requires the same level of societal effort today. However, in the 21st century, we can combine social innovation, citizen science, and digital epidemiology to […]

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Moose responses to anthropogenic forest disturbance

Moose are an environmentally, economically, and culturally important game species. However, moose numbers have declined rapidly in the central portion of British Columbia. This decline could be related to widespread and rapid forest harvesting. We will study the impact of human-caused changes to forests on how moose select habitat and why they migrate. Monitoring moose […]

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Advancing Clean Energy in Remote Communities

As Canada looks to transition to a clean energy system, reducing diesel use in remote communities presents a significant challenge. Despite financial assistance from the federal government, the business case for clean energy projects in remote communities continues to be less than ideal. Without government support for capital costs, renewable energy projects at present are […]

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Genomic tools development for international high sea salmon research

Pacific salmon spend most of their life in the open ocean, where we know little about the factors influencing their health and abundance. Last year, we participated in the first expedition to explore the winter habitat of salmon the Gulf of Alaska. We collect samples to inform ongoing research projects focusing on salmon health and […]

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Development of High-Fidelity Computational Continuum MechanicsSoftware

Due to the potential for significant cost-savings, many companies are turning their attention to digital simulations to improve their products and develop new ones. Although software is available to support these efforts, there is a growing need in industry to improve the accuracy of predictions from these codes. The goal of this project is to […]

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Complete destruction of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water and by-products minimization via a novel Boron-Doped-Diamond anodes electrochemical oxidation

Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are anthropogenic compounds with unique properties and wide applications. The consequence of using such persistent chemicals is widespread contamination reported for groundwater, soil, sediment, and wastewater, especially in industrialized countries such as Canada. The endocrine-disrupting and likely carcinogenic nature of PFAS have resulted in strict regulations on PFAS in drinking […]

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Network-wide bicycle monitoring

Bicycle and pedestrian counts are important data for the planning and design of safe roads. However, these data need to be inspected for quality, a time-consuming task. Part of this project is to make this project simpler, quicker and more accurate. Installing pedestrian and bicycle counters across an entire city road network is not financially […]

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Commercial-Scale Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition Technology

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed atmospheric pressure spatial atomic layer deposition technology for depositing thin films that are nanometers (billionths of a meter) thick. Notably, the developed equipment can deposit these films rapidly, over large areas, in open air. This technology can be useful in a number of sectors, such as display […]

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