Spinning Multi-Beam LiDAR (VLP-16) new mapping scheme and the effect on the generated 3D point cloud : Point density and Thin features extraction in a Mobile mode of operation

Maps are vital in our life. Three-dimensional (3D) maps are essential in traditional and new applications, such as smart cities, autonomous vehicles and augmented reality. The number of end-users who require 3D maps has expanded exponentially in recent years and is anticipated to expand even more in the future. LiDAR scanners are the main sensors […]

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Portable Colorectal Screening Colorimetric Metabolite Biosensor

This project involves designing a portable biosensor that measures the concentration of multiple metabolites in a person’s urine. The device measures the colour of the urine after reacting with the developed reactions to get metabolite concentrations. These concentrations are input to an algorithm to get a diagnosis. The first test will screen for colorectal cancer. […]

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A Community-Based Participatory Action Research Project to Examine How People Who Use Drugs are Represented in Anti-Stigma Campaigns and How Anti-Stigma Work Can be Made More Inclusive

Through a review of existing anti-stigma campaigns targeting stigma towards people who use drugs (PWUD) and a series of focus groups conducted with marginalized PWUD, this community-based research project will explore how anti-stigma campaigns can be made more inclusive of all PWUD, especially those most severely impacted by stigma. The project is being guided by […]

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Breaking Biofilms with Ordinary Polymers – Light-Activated Antimicrobial Crosslinkers

Microbial growth on surfaces, or biofouling, is a pervasive problem across sectors including medical implants, hospital surfaces, water treatment, and environmental monitoring. Many existing solutions involve the use of harsh chemicals that may harm human health or the environment. In this work, our team of chemists, biologists, and engineers will develop a plastic that includes […]

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An automated system to identify and extract key structural components in academic written texts or genres

To streamline knowledge acquisition, indexing, dissemination, and synthesis—especially important to the future of libraries—a fundamental understanding of knowledge storage and communication is required. In a textual body of knowledge, relevant qualities include layout and structure; headings, chapters, sections, and paragraphs; figures, tables, lists, captions, and illustrations; authorship information and references; and, most importantly, the relationship […]

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Targeting Semaphorin 3C in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men and a major cause of cancer deaths. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the first-line therapy for metastatic prostate cancer but invariable the cancer regrows despite the androgen deprivation – this regrowth is termed castrate resistant prostate cancer. We have discovered that expression of a specific gene […]

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Tracking the parasympathetic nervous system, emotions, and wellbeing in chronic pain conditions

Wearable body sensors are groundbreaking in that they allow for continuous and unobtrusive physiological measurements. The promise is that someday soon, smartphones will monitor our bodily state and thus prevent all kinds of wellbeing implications: acute physiological issues like stroke or heart attack; less acute but still serious illness, such as chronic illnesses caused by […]

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Development of Technologies for Treatment and Management of OTSG and Evaporator Blowdown Wastes from Oil Sands Operations

The steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) is the most commonly employed process for extraction of oil or bitumen from oil sands reservoirs. This process involves injection of large quantity of steam into the oil reservoir. The injected steam is further recovered as produced water which constitutes high concentrations of hydrocarbons and mineral salts. Due to […]

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A Study of social enterprise innovations in business tools and structures to support greater affordability and increased access to cohousing in Canada

This study aims to support existing and future grassroots cohousing communities in maneuvering systemic and cultural barriers in order to achieve an increase in cohousing communities constructed in Canada, and a proliferation of cohousing and/or cohousing-inspired affordable housing communities. Affordable cohousing has the potential to support more sustainable living (sustainable both socially and environmentally), enable […]

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Tooliaba Tool Rental Platform SAAS UX/UI Testing and Development

Tooliaba is a web based software as a service platform that provides coordinated rental of tools and equipment. The research project into the site will test the UX/UI viability as well as the overall user experience. The desired project is the creation of a well-designed, user friendly app/MVP (minimum viable product) that follows good UI/UX […]

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COVID-19 Monitor: a rolling public opinion study on the dynamics of the pandemic

This project will undertake a year-long rolling study of public opinion across eight countries—Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany and Brazil. It will measure the health, social, and economic impacts of COVID-19 throughout the duration of the pandemic and during its immediate aftermath. The study will be comprised of […]

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Chemical targeting of HDAC6 as a strategy for anti-viral drug discovery

The emergence of viral pandemics, exemplified by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), has exposed the urgent need for the development of viral infection therapeutics. In a short span of time, more than 1.5 million individuals have been infected and there have been nearly 90, 000 deaths worldwide. Our objective is to pharmacologically validate a new strategy […]

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