Advantages of Automation of Communication between Security Platforms

In the technology sector, there are so many different computing systems that they need a way to communicate with each other. When different technologies can share information and work together to solve tasks, the benefits of computing are amplified. For example, smart home devices are much more convenient when they all communicate with one platform […]

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Improved Radiative Recombination in Silicon Carbide Through Neutron Irradiation

White light emission from blue-emitting Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is now replacing virtually all other types of lighting and display lighting in commercial and residential sectors. Currently, such LEDs are made using gallium indium nitride, gallium indium aluminum phosphide and gallium arsenide compounds that are expensive to produce. Instead we are seeking to use very […]

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Producing LiOH from low-lithium bearing brines

Lithium products are projected to be among the most sought-after chemicals in the next decade due to the increasing use of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles. To meet the demand for such products and because of increase in Li products price, unconventional resources such as Li-bearing oilfield brines have been touted as a new source […]

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The/La Collaborative Social Innovation. Developing capacity building oportunities for community service agencies

The non-profit sector is in the midst of an upheaval. The pressure of shrinking government budgets, a culture of austerity and fiscal conservatism, access to big data, and trends in corporate philanthropy, are creating new challenges and new opportunities for the sector to position themselves as powerful change agents. In an environment of scarcity, collaborating […]

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Joule M&V AI

Buildings have a high share of energy consumption in Canada. Real-time monitoring and analysis of energy use data can assist in improving the performance of the building and help reduce operating costs, lower utility bills, increase equipment life, improve occupants’ comfort, and increase retention and leasing rates; all while lowering carbon emissions. Joule M&V AI […]

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An Integrated Decision Support Framework for Off-site Construction Supply Chain

Energy generation and industrial fabrication produce almost 50% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, industrial fabrication is one of the major contributors to global warming. This has led to an increasing need for environmentally friendly practices that focus on reducing fabrication time and waste. Digital simulation is a great decision-support tool that helps in […]

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Understanding the impact of microfinance on women’s wellbeing: A case of Vietnam

The project is based on focus groups discussions to look at the impact of microfinance on women’s wellbeing in rural parts of Vietnam. This approach will support to evaluate the different ways through which economic burden associated to microfinance may affect women’s well-being and what are the initiatives involving financial institutions and advocates of women’s […]

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Advancing Community Energy Transitions in BC with Online Tools

The Community Energy Explorer (CEE) is a unique, interactive and visually compelling web-resource to build capacity of citizens, decision-makers, and local government staff on community energy and related land use issues. The current phase lays out a program to roll-out, host, and scale-up use of an enhanced CEE platform to better support community transitions and […]

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Rural Response to COVID-19: A case study of Perth Huron, Ontario

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are far-reaching and extend beyond the spread of the disease and efforts to quarantine it. With emergency management efforts underway, opportunities exist to develop more effective and efficient response measures to increase the resiliency of our communities amidst this and future public health crises. Developing impactful resilience strategies requires […]

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Does cannabidiol mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and potential therapies for COVID-19?

Patients most vulnerable to COVID-19 have pre-existing illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease. Two potential treatments in clinical trials for COVID-19 are the anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, and the antibiotic, azithromycin. These drugs can cause side-effects, including cardiac arrhythmias which can lead to heart failure, that make them inappropriate for the most vulnerable COVID-19 patients. Cardiac […]

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