Using RTLS and Computer Vision to Extend Worksite Safety

The project aims to extend worksite safety of construction projects at Hydro-Quebec (HQ) using computer vision and a Real-Time Location System (RTLS). The case study is a substation construction project near Montreal. The main safety risks that will be targeted in the case study are related to equipment mobility (struck-by accidents) and not wearing Personal […]

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Reinforcement Learning for Predictive Sports Analytics

Our project develops novel machine learning algorithms for interpreting complex, multi-agent scenarios in sports analytics. The collaboration with our industrial partner SPORTLOGiQ will tackle open problems in deep reinforcement learning to build novel capabilities in sports analytics for ice hockey. Deep reinforcement learning is a breakthrough technology with prominent successes in games such as Go […]

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Statistical machine learning methods applied to ATB data for debt collection optimization, small business lending decision modelling, and open banking initiatives

The intern will research new modelling technology to determine if the new models can make a significant improvement in servicing customers for loan approvals, debt collections, and open banking. The intern will work closely with the partner to understand the banking process and opportunity. The partner organization will receive several benefits from working with the […]

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The Great River Rapport

The Great River Rapport is an initiative that involves collaboration, consultation, and input from scientists, Indigenous partners, citizens and students. The goal is to provide a report on the health of the Upper St. Lawrence River ecosystem and inspire people to become engaged and aware of how ecosystem health is linked to all of us. […]

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Unified Estimation of turbulence eddy dissipation rate of atmospheric Turbulence for effective flight plan management

The aim of the proposed project is to develop a machine learning classification that predicts energy from turbulent flow atmospheric systems. Being able to predict turbulent flows is of great importance since the atmosphere features strongly in the invisible infrastructure of aviation from established navigation waypoints to conduit airways – the highways in the sky. […]

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Phytotechnologies Monitoring Impacts and Resilience of Native Species and Northern Climates

The Phytoremediation Pilot Project is a collaborative effort between Aya Kitchens and Landscape Architect Pete North to create a buffer system that will stabilize soil contamination left by historic industrial activity at 1551 Catepillar Rd., Mississauga. The site borders the Little Etobicoke Creek, a tributary to the Etobicoke Creek and designated a Significant Natural Area, […]

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Investigations on amino acids for optimal gut health and productivity in broiler chickens raised without antimicrobial growth promoters

The largest cost of raising chickens is feed, therefore maintaining chickens in an environment that supports proper nutrition is essential for productivity and profitability. However, nutrient absorption and gut adaptation to luminal inflammatory stress is challenging production efficiency as a consequence of the restriction on the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) and anti-coccidial drugs. […]

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Attribute-Driven Automatic Generation of Realistic Face Textures

When creating a video game, every digital character must be created by professional artists. Their work is very labor intensive because the number of created characters are in the thousands, each of which has multiple visual components that must be created for each one. “Scanning” real actors to create a digital version of themselves can […]

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